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Bushy Park 5k

Listed by Max71
Entrants (4)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Gobi Tired legs so this became an easy 5k run to finish a hard week ran with Vomit and PB
Cannock & Stafford AC
16:16 17:41 18:00 27:34 47.37
Hollywoof! Official time in... matched my previous PB exactly... drats! Sub-21 will come one day... but not for a few weeks - it's triathlon time :o)
20:06 20:25 21:01 61.53
Puffing Bertie I'm just doing this because...............I can.

And I will NEVER EVER PB on this course so save your credits.

WELL that was horrid, I never want to feel like that again, thank god for nice friends who shovelled water and choc into me afterwards. Thanks Vomit for pulling me along and a big thank you to Gobi and Hollywood for looking after me.
24:38 25:37 27:35 55.19
Max71 hope to PB  But hadn't really planned on it.  I've not smoked since Monday night and I'm wondering if this will have any impact on my running.

Will I PB?  Will i PB?  I've got to get rid of the demon from last week's run.  How do I PB if I'm not being paced?

I got a PB!!! Who'd have thought?  I also walked for about a minute, which had I not I would have gotten a sub 30 5k at last.  Still I'm pleased.............
25:07 28:17 31:00 30:08 49.10

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