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Bungay Black Dog Marathon

  • Rated 72%
  • 26.2mi
  • Road
Entrants (15)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Somer AC
2:58:35 3:48:57 3:48:57 53.80
Binks wasn't expecting that. calves again really sore from mile 1 yet i just plodded and got my second best time ever.
Serpentine RC
3:06:55 3:07:55 3:15:17 61.70
3:09:28 3:16:40 3:16:40 69.63
3:50:15 3:58:47 4:15:00 3:58:47 55.22
Forest Faerie Everything was going well until mile 20 where the wheels fell off.  Great race though and Bungay Black Dog organisers should be commended for a fantastic race
Thetford AC
4:10:56 4:13:24 4:13:24 53.21
funkin My first attempt at a marathon.  ** DECEMBER ** training going well so far.  Just need to keep it up for the next 14 or so weeks... ** MARCH ** had a couple of bad weeks in February but things have been going well lately. That is until I hurt my calf.  Its most painful at the moment! ** END OF MARCH ** I'm out.  The calf is healing but is worse than originally thought, so no running for me at present.
Ranelagh Harriers, The Stragglers RC
3:19:46 3:15:00
Kirsty My marathon pb is 4.26. This year I have trained much harder and am going for a sub 4. 
Didn't mange a sub 4 but did get a pb. I blame the weather!
Team Bushy
4:06:34 4:06:34 3:55:00 4:06:34 53.02
Lycra Hurricane My first marathon and, despite the sleet and snow and soggy conditions, achieved a good result. Oh yes, and....yippeeeee!
Bedford Harriers AC, Rushden Runners
4:01:53 4:06:59 4:20:00 4:06:59 56.50
mile muncher
Thetford AC
3:52:18 4:02:02 4:30:00 4:02:06 56.36
50 Marathon Club, Reading Joggers, Wargrave Runners
3:28:33 4:48:45 5:05:05 53.43
100 Marathon Club, South London Harriers
3:10:24 3:37:00 3:37:00 56.29
running crazy
4:12:00 4:12:00 4:12:00 60.51
100 Marathon Club, Swanley & District AC
3:15:06 3:39:34 3:45:00 3:39:34 55.24
the bobbin
3:21:32 3:21:32 3:21:32 59.91
Wicked D looking to PB so anything under 4hrs 24 will be a result, I just hope I don't get dizzy doing laps LOL ****UPDATE 2nd April**** see notes on bets BUT I'm REALLY REALLY ready for this one and cant wait ;) ******Final update 5th April****** I'm sooooooooooo ready for this one

FINAL NOTE .............enjoy the points everyone :)
3:43:51 3:43:51 4:10:00 3:49:36 55.50

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