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Battle of Sedgemoor 10k

Listed by tom_craggs
  • Rated 87%
  • 10km
  • Road
Entrants (20)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
baggieboy OK - I actually got the monkey off my back and gone under 40 mins, bit of a surprise of the time. Garmin say 39.56s - Langport website says 39:12. I will take the officially time from Langport.
Quantock Harriers
39:12 39:12 39:59 39:12 73.31
Boycie Not a badly paced race - finished 26th overall in a strong field of 500 runners. A nice course, although not especially pleasant to run, due to the first 2k being uphill, you feel constantly on the edge for the rest of the course, without ever quite blowing up. First 5k 18.13, second 5k 18.27
Exmouth Harriers AAC, Barnt Green Chuggers
34:46 36:30 36:40 72.24
41:23 41:23 43:59 61.45
49:05 54:00 54:00 53.70
39:50 42:11 42:11 68.69
DrDebs ill
Exeter Harriers
36:07 37:25 38:10 38:58 74.09
49:56 49:56 1:09:41 41.28
Jiffy Drove round the course on saturday as staying close by in Somerton, so knew the hills at start were there, they weren't as bad as expected, a PB by 55 secs so VERY HAPPY!
I did notice that the finish area/car park was probably not as safe as it could have been, cars trying to drive into car park with runners bombing through also, maybe an area for improvement next year? A good race nevertheless.
38:35 42:47 43:59 42:47 62.07
Tiverton Harriers
48:39 52:25 56:00 52:25 57.39
Weston AC, Womens Running Network Weston-super-Mare
48:17 48:17 48:38 61.47
Wells City Harriers, shapwick runners, mendip triathlon club
47:08 57:08 1:00:00 57:08 52.02
Yeovil Town RRC
45:12 47:05 47:05 63.10
Slipknot69 A good fast race with a high standard.Came in 11th and 4th in my age group.Did a time of 34.20.2 secs outside my P.B.2nd fastest 10k I have run.
Running Forever, Trull Troggers
33:57 34:20 34:20 83.03
The bag lady Garmin time - happy with new pb.
Quantock Harriers
42:16 43:39 43:55 71.24
Lonely Goat RC
46:54 46:54 49:09 59.17
ToBaldlyGo Enjoyable race as usual at Langport. Great organisation. 'Plum' coloured towel this year!
Weston AC
54:25 55:23 55:23 56.01
Dulwich Park Runners
40:52 41:55 42:27 62.19
Wirzel Not really sure how i,m gonna do in this one this year, due to recent injury and new training methods(Heart rate training), but that said I did beat my PB at my last race over 7 miles but I wasn't too sure about the measuring for that one. 
A bit disappointed with the time, was hoping for a PB but missed it by 41 secs, think I started to far down the field and so had to get past a lot of slower runners I lost too much time on the first 2K.
41:49 42:15 42:00 42:30 66.01
Wonder Mum My first 10k... A bit dissapointed that i only came 323rd out of 445... I Want to be a better runner!!!
55:29 55:29 57:00 55:29 52.80

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