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This picture - thanks AntBliss - was taken at the Brighton 10k 2006. It shows me .. running gracefully with a bloke puking in the background. What form, what grace!
23rd Oct 2008 by Making_Tracks
23rd Oct 2008 at 11:30am
fetcheveryone: Actually - could he just be smelling his hand? I don't know what's worseGood flying MT
23rd Oct 2008 at 11:35am
Chicken Licken: fetch me an hair dryer I think the caption was...... beautiful as everchap behind you ewwww
23rd Oct 2008 at 11:38am
Izzy Backyet: anarchy in the UK -
23rd Oct 2008 at 1:31pm
Ellem: Great levitation - fab picture -
23rd Oct 2008 at 2:44pm
JJ Flash: The Search is on! We need a photographer who can take images of people in Fetch shirts and make us look good! Old Mum's campaign is all very well in principle but I WANT to be airbrushed until I don't look like me! I WANT a picture I can show people and instantly be offered contracts to appear on the front page of runners world! It will (in my case, at least) be extremely difficult to get such a picture but I would be extremely rewarded by it.(Love the hair by the way, it used take me hours to get mine looking like that in 1978
23rd Oct 2008 at 6:58pm
st bernard: now the story i heard was you smacked him as you went passed
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