Mar 2016
6:50pm, 16 Mar 2016
2,273 posts
I remember Leah nipping a rather overenthusiastic spaniel and the owner thanking me! Her dog was over lively around dogs and she wanted it to learn its place.
Mar 2016
10:47pm, 16 Mar 2016
2,604 posts
Alice the Camel
We have now graduated from the Vet Puppy Parties. No more Wednesday night wrigglefests for our Charlie.
There were only 4 puppies there tonight - Charlie, Daphne the snappy, grumpy black Scottie, Lottie the black springer spaniel and an adorable fox red labrador called Poppy who I got lots of cuddles with! A really unusual colour, she's going to be a beauty.
They kindly remarked how intelligent Charlie seems to be, that he picks things up quickly. He does, it's true! I wondered if anyone has bought intelligence games for their dogs that they could recommend? I know Raffo made Jess some lovely games when she was a young 'un but I'm not up to that - it would need to be something I could buy off the internet...
Mar 2016
7:42am, 17 Mar 2016
8,662 posts
We are playing hiding things games, both indoors and out, this is something we have always done with all our dogs, initially find the children which I thought was a really useful when they were little round the farm!! Worked like a dream and of course progressed on to finding toys etc
Mar 2016
8:42am, 17 Mar 2016
5,307 posts
Our previous training class made an end of term game which was using a bun baking tray (not the deep muffin ones but the shallow ones) and putting a treat in some of the holes then a tennis ball on top of every hole. The dog has to take off the tennis balls to find the treats. Or in Wanda's case, shove her nose under it to tip it up so all the tennis balls roll away and she can eat the treats swiftly before starting to destroy the tennis balls
Mar 2016
8:43am, 17 Mar 2016
5,308 posts
Congratulations by the way to Charlie on his graduation - can you post another picture of him wearing the Fetch buff as a mortar board this time
Mar 2016
9:45am, 17 Mar 2016
2,607 posts
Alice the Camel
Turning a buff into a mortar board sounds like an intelligence game for me! I like the bun tin idea, thank you.
D2, I read that as find the chicken!!! Must get my eyes tested...
Mar 2016
1:06pm, 17 Mar 2016
8,663 posts
Finding a chicken game would be well how shall I put it .......... carnage?
Bryony is at the vet's having her insides cut open.. its very peaceful here.... I cant believe I didn't like it when I didn't have a dog.....
Considers just not going and collecting her...
Mar 2016
1:29pm, 17 Mar 2016
2,830 posts
Red Ant
Mar 2016
1:43pm, 17 Mar 2016
377 posts
😂 D2.
Mar 2016
2:19pm, 17 Mar 2016
8,664 posts
I rang... apparently she is 'sitting up' ... pictures her in a granny style bed jacket... I wonder how long it will be before she chews her way to freedom?