Jan 2014
12:13pm, 20 Jan 2014
291 posts
becky f
Can I just ask on rest days is it ok to walk a few miles or should it be a total rest day? I find if I'm not running I walk for miles instead.
Jan 2014
12:19pm, 20 Jan 2014
24,653 posts
I'm sort of ambivalent about PBs these days - and without sounding too pompous about it, whilst I try to enjoy races for a) the scenery, b) the vibe, c) the value for money, and d) the challenge in terms of new distances, I try to keep in mind (for sub-mara distances) a goal to not get a new PW.
Jan 2014
12:20pm, 20 Jan 2014
5,886 posts
Say No To Pork Sausages
I ran 2 pb's last year, on aged 49, one aged 50, bearing in mind I only started running when I was 40-odd. I found, beiggest improments came with:-
1 increased mileage 2 smarter training (tempo's intervlas, longer runs, rather than just going for a run) 3 joining aclub and realising just how much more I could do.
Jan 2014
12:22pm, 20 Jan 2014
4,202 posts
I got a PB in everything last year. I have accepted the fact that I will never do that again First mara this year so guaranteed one and that will do me.
Jan 2014
12:28pm, 20 Jan 2014
1,373 posts
Walking (or cycling, swimming, weight training) are forms of cross training, and provide a break for your running muscles and from the pounding effect of running. So yes, you can do them on rest days. One minor note of caution - if you are walking 10 or 12 miles, or cycling hard for 2 hours, then it's not really a rest day.
You should probably have one day a week where you do nothing more strenuous than an hour or so's walk. Or at least once a fortnight.
Jan 2014
1:35pm, 20 Jan 2014
53,379 posts
Every so often you need a total rest day
Jan 2014
1:58pm, 20 Jan 2014
13,914 posts
How many times a week are you training?
Jan 2014
6:27pm, 20 Jan 2014
292 posts
becky f
I run a 3 mile general run on a Tuesday, Wednesday yoga and weights , Thursday a 6 or 7 mile either a tempo run or intervals ( warm up 1-2 miles and 1 mile cool down and a Friday a slow 3 mile recovery run
Jan 2014
6:28pm, 20 Jan 2014
293 posts
becky f
I forgot I also run on a Sunday I'm up to nine miles increase Sundays run by 1 mile per week
Jan 2014
8:21pm, 23 Jan 2014
77 posts
I would say - Get yourself to a parkrun - it worked for me, not just the 3 mile tempo run, but also the social and competitive side with other runners. Good way of sussing out which of the local running clubs would be the best fit for you as well.