Oct 2021
11:54am, 6 Oct 2021
22,021 posts
Red Squirrel
Opposite sexy gym guy today at circuits. Nice start to the day.
Oct 2021
1:19pm, 6 Oct 2021
6,024 posts
Sushi , I remember 2 Edinburgh's that had water problems. I was suporting one of them (maybe both) and people were in big trouble on the hotest day of the year. We bought load of water and I ran down the course with some of it. Ive ran it twice i think but it always seems to have problems. My kness probably won't allow but i'd love ot run Loch ness again . Only road marathon I'd like to do again. I'll let you know if i do the Deva.
Oct 2021
1:20pm, 6 Oct 2021
32,286 posts
It was the hot one Flip.
Oct 2021
1:28pm, 6 Oct 2021
6,025 posts
It was the hot one Flip.
I was injured for the race it htink but ended up running 16 miles that day just supporting and giving out water. I remember finding Lisrun and Pestomum shading by a tree . Well i think it was that year. I get mixed up lol.
Oct 2021
1:43pm, 6 Oct 2021
32,290 posts
You've got the right Yr Flip.
Sophster rescued me from under a tree at one point
Oct 2021
6:17pm, 6 Oct 2021
5,977 posts
Many congratulations Maz, great to read happy news.
Not much dating news from me, I'm afraid. But enjoying getting out running and meeting friends at last.
I ran the Brighton Marathon last month, first time in quite a few years.
Just back from a lovely week in the Lake District, including climbing Scafell Pike. I stayed in some lovely B&Bs and hotels, including one where I could have breakfast watching red squirrels in the garden. Think I could have stayed in Cumbria for longer, to be honest.
Oct 2021
7:28pm, 6 Oct 2021
35,809 posts
I have fond memories of fetchpointing at LNM about 12 years ago. I met an incorrigible tart at the fetch fest afterwards. Can't remember the name
Flipster there is always a bed for you here if you fancy running LNM again.
Oct 2021
8:02pm, 6 Oct 2021
5,978 posts
Fetchpointing is great fun HP.
I've helped out at VLM Fetchpoint many times. Always a good day out
Oct 2021
9:50pm, 6 Oct 2021
6,026 posts
I have fond memories of fetchpointing at LNM about 12 years ago. I met an incorrigible tart at the fetch fest afterwards. Can't remember the name Flipster there is always a bed for you here if you fancy running LNM again.
Thank you HP. Its the only road marathon i'd like to do if the knees ever allow again.
Oct 2021
5:54pm, 7 Oct 2021
22,022 posts
Red Squirrel
The food obsessive is a very funny guy. Have been swapping recipes and pics of what we've cooked. He comes over as affectionate and not at all sleazy. Unlike sex guy who outdid himself with a filthy audio message, which my friend also heard and she was shocked. Working out how to delete him.