Feb 2009
12:05am, 7 Feb 2009
2,870 posts
Feb 2009
1:06am, 7 Feb 2009
1,562 posts
The lickspittle running dogs of the right-wing media who use any reason to lay into the BBC in order to push their long-term agenda of a completely advertising-infested media world, which will be rendered nigh-on unwatchable and unlistenable for anyone operating at above the mental level of a 'Take A Break' reader.
And don't even get me started on 'Take A Break' and all that other misery porn.
Feb 2009
1:30am, 7 Feb 2009
988 posts
Torry Quine
And Heat Magazine
Feb 2009
6:30am, 7 Feb 2009
236 posts
Me. Some times I am so annoying it makes me mad!
Feb 2009
6:32am, 7 Feb 2009
237 posts
and where is my picture?
Feb 2009
8:29am, 7 Feb 2009
331 posts
Political correctness, it's devisive. There are people and organisations who're making an industry of PC, picking apart everything that's printed or broadcast and interfering in the work place. I'm not a racist, I don't have problem with Gay people and I'm quite happy to work with or for a woman but I hate being told how I have to behave or act by some pratt who's life is so empty they have to interfere in mine.
Feb 2009
10:27am, 7 Feb 2009
1,960 posts
People at work who email me when they sit 10 feet away.
Petrol pumps that go kerchunk every two seconds so it takes bliddy ages to fill up.
People who wear running shoes but don't run and then call me a nutter because I do.
Simon Cowell. Because he exists solely to give the nation mind cancer. I'd like to lower him slowly,feet first, into a giant blender.
Feb 2009
10:34am, 7 Feb 2009
15 posts
Having to work 9 hours on a Saturday for 'health and safety' reasons as there has to be a manager on site! Its only a bloody admin centre not a flippin' nuclear power station. If the fire bell rings, leave, whats hard about that! 'Looking after' a grand total of 6 staff who are in to answer calls due to a meaningless contract. Half of them are horribly hung over and couldn't answer a call if they tried. What a waste of bloody time to cover my employers asses.
Excuse me, rant over!
Feb 2009
10:49am, 7 Feb 2009
42 posts
People who say "You must be mad starting running at your age it can't be good for you" Uugh!
Feb 2009
10:50am, 7 Feb 2009
5,972 posts
Fetchies who only crawl out of the archives when they want a fight.