Oct 2019
5:59pm, 15 Oct 2019
518 posts
You sound exhausted gg, definitely take on oumaumau’s advice. Hope you’re feeling a bit livelier soon And RFP is great for when you’re back up to speed.
Does anyone actually follow a program from a book/website in training, rather than just making it up as you go along? I’ve been doing the latter for as long as I’ve ran ultras, but I’m wondering whether I might actually get some better results with a structured plan. There are a few sites that offer plans that would suit me (ie designed for a lot of vertical), but they cost money and I’m cheap so thought I’d see what others are doing first
Any thoughts?
Oct 2019
6:04pm, 15 Oct 2019
1,248 posts
If I was going to pay for a plan, I'd probably pay a bit more for a coach and then use the feedback to adapt the program. I used to work with Stu Mills (when he coached), and found it very helpful.
The resultant plan was very similar to Macmillan training, but with feedback and input at regular intervals.
Oct 2019
6:48pm, 15 Oct 2019
18,652 posts
(compele aside - what's happened to Stu? He seems to have disappeared, from not long after winning L100?)
Oct 2019
7:02pm, 15 Oct 2019
1,250 posts
He's retired back to Ironman, or at least was heading back to Kona a few years back (having been present for the first world champs he was invited if I remember correctly).
I think he's still running, just not racing as much, or at the same level
Oct 2019
7:10pm, 15 Oct 2019
13,901 posts
I have all my runs uploaded to the (free version of) TrainAsOne - If I actually did what I was told tha AI-bot would either be a superb adaptive plan - or kill me.
Interestingly, if I put an ultra distance in as a goal in the future, it starts me off with speedwork - like Jason Koop plans would.
Oct 2019
6:52am, 16 Oct 2019
9,043 posts
I must be honest zp I feel it my head is doing its usual racing everywhere but my body is struggling to keep up. Sports massage booked for today my legs feel like they’ve been through a wringer.
I’m on reading natural born hero’s (Chris mcdougal) but I will read RFP next.
I will make a plan I was looking to sign up with kinetic revolution for 16 weeks he na he’s you a training plan and have regular calls but I opted to wait until post Oz when I will pick up and train for an autumn event. Thanks so much all
Oct 2019
6:55am, 16 Oct 2019
519 posts
Thanks oumaumau, I’d not considered getting input from a coach - will have a look and see what’s out there.
I’ve never heard of TrainAsOne, shall investigate also, thanks
Oct 2019
7:03am, 16 Oct 2019
2,805 posts
Didn't Stu win his age group at the Berlin marathon a few weeks back? Can't say I agree with his pacing strategy but he has won the UTLD100 so he wins on that score.
Oct 2019
7:06am, 16 Oct 2019
2,806 posts
Rosehip, unless you are really talented miles=smiles. Being able to do speedwork (in my case) means nothing at mile 40 of a 50-miler unless you have put in the hours.
And that's what I believe I'm suffering from at the moment. I expect to be able to hit my low targets but I haven't put the miles in.
Oct 2019
7:07am, 16 Oct 2019
2,807 posts
Stuart Mills 1st MV55-59 in sub 2:42 at Berlin.