Dec 2016
8:27am, 9 Dec 2016
88,104 posts
Yes mate, but thanks for asking.
I'll wager that tomorrow my HR strap will behave itself just because it would be handy to show you the nonsense it produces.
I get *slightly* less nonsense numbers from my (wrist) Garmin Vivosmart HR. The numbers I get from my (wrist) Fitbit Charge seem realistic - and I can merge them onto an activity on TP after the event (but not to Fetch). I can't reasonably look at them on the move though so on 'misbehaving HR readings' days I have to train to RPE.
I spoke to the quack about this when I had my 'well man' checkup on Wednesday. She reckons it's a Garmin issue rather than 'my heart doing funny arrhythmic things and causing the Garmin to mis-read' issue.
Dec 2016
8:30am, 9 Dec 2016
13,974 posts
Atonal Miserabilist (AFKA TRO)
Couple of hours Zwift last night, Z2 with 30 mins sweetspot + some rather pathetic sprints.
Swim this morning 2.6k. Easy Friday so lunchtime vanity and that's it.
Dec 2016
8:37am, 9 Dec 2016
23,150 posts
Didn't you buy a new strap recently Grep?
Dec 2016
9:09am, 9 Dec 2016
88,106 posts
Aye. Then I washed the old one and it worked for a while - they both seem intermittent. I wore the same one Tuesday and Thursday this week - it was fine on Tuesday.
Dec 2016
9:12am, 9 Dec 2016
107 posts
TYri-club run session was cancelled this morning so a quick trip to the pool was in order.
I ran out of porridge oats so I ~had~ to go to the cafe and get a bacon sarnie.
With an extra sausage of course. In accordance with prophecy.
Dec 2016
9:13am, 9 Dec 2016
88,110 posts
For it is written, etc.
Dec 2016
9:18am, 9 Dec 2016
23,151 posts
Weekly wash Grep?
Dec 2016
9:19am, 9 Dec 2016
88,113 posts
Certainly worth a try Young 'Un.
Dec 2016
9:41am, 9 Dec 2016
23,153 posts
Can't blame the strap if you don't follow instructions Grep :-p.
I presume you at least follow the instruction about wetting the three points on the strap?
Dec 2016
9:46am, 9 Dec 2016
88,119 posts
Okay, you're winding me up. THREE?