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Trident, should we, or shouldn't we?

3 watchers
Jul 2016
2:45pm, 19 Jul 2016
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If we need to use it, it's not a deterrent is it?

If we decide to use it first, then you have to be a psychopath to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.

I don't buy the "influence" argument either - strikes me very much as willy waving.

Get rid. Spend the money on the armed forces - like making sure they're properly equipped and looked after post-conflict etc. And then there would still be billions left over to spend on other stuff.
Jul 2016
2:47pm, 19 Jul 2016
5,817 posts
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They view it as a no brainer in that it makes them and their friends lots of money if this blog is to be believed. I don't know much about Commonspace so they might be complete mentalists but what they say doesn't take a huge stretch of the imagination


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Having read the below, I was surprised there were so many Scottish protesting against it, must be wo...
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