Trainer Road - workout creator

1 watcher
Jan 2017
8:38pm, 19 Jan 2017
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I use trainer road with my turbo and I noticed that I can create work-outs in Training Peaks and then drop them into Trainer Road Work-out creator, and thus avoid the frustrations of using the TR workout creator.

But, I can't work out how to do it so wondered if there were any fetches who might have a clue what simple thing I'm doing wrong please.

I can create the workout in TP and then I hit the 'export work-out' and it gives me the option to save as .erg or .mrc I'm on a Mac and with both it then creates a text edit file, with the txt extension. I'm saving this to the desktop and I've tried it with and without the .txt extension.

The TR road instructions now say 'drop the file in the workout creator list'. And this is where I get stuck because the file won't drop there. I can't find an 'insert file' option and a click and drag doesn't do it either.

I emailed TR and they were very chirpy but didn't give me any more specific advice so before I go back to them and ask for simpler instructions for the blonde at the back, I wondered if there were any tech-conversant fetchies who had a clue...


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I use trainer road with my turbo and I noticed that I can create work-outs in Training Peaks and the...

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