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Aug 2016
8:20am, 28 Aug 2016
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Has anyone got any advice on how to avoid fatigue? I am on a return to running following a torn Achilles and am running (pain free) 18 miles per week but I'm so tired. The obvious answer is more sleep which I am trying to do and I am trying to drink more water but if you have any tips on raising energy levels I would appreciate it.

I was a competent marathon/ half runner but following the injury my strength levels have decreased rapidly and I am using kettlebell said/ core work 3 x per week to combat this. Inhave noticed a loss of 'spring' in my muscles which is a hit worrying!

Any advice welcome.

Cheers Darting
Aug 2016
8:56am, 28 Aug 2016
34,396 posts
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My first piece of advice would be to look at the rest of your life to see if there's anything that might be making you tired and that you could change. With your running history, it would be surprising if 18mpw plus a moderate amount of resistance work would wipe you out.

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Has anyone got any advice on how to avoid fatigue? I am on a return to running following a to...
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