thread for misanthropes

1 lurker | 43 watchers (you wouldn't like them)
Jun 2020
9:25am, 13 Jun 2020
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And stop grinning like an imbecile, while you're at it. Harrumph.
Jun 2020
9:27am, 13 Jun 2020
43,119 posts
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Derby Tup
I hate the idea of kids having fun (or adults for that matter). In fact I hate the idea of kids (and adults) per se. I also hate people incorporating clever clever foreign language into their posts on here
Jun 2020
9:39am, 13 Jun 2020
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ITG 🇮🇸
Vafanculo, non siamo tutti monolinguali imbecili come gl'inglesi.

Fucking WASP woke me up. Huge bastard of a thing, too stupid to go back out the window and loud. I wasn't scared of it, obviously, I just couldn't be arsed murdering the fucker.
Jun 2020
9:46am, 13 Jun 2020
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Children are just the worst.
No conception of personal space or appropriate speaking volume, frequently screaming for no apparent reason,and just horribly horribly nasty to each other. Awful things.

I don't understand why people get so sentimental about them, or why they're allowed to (or used to be allowed, I guess) to invade spaces that are supposed to be for grown ups, like offices and pubs.

Also, I distinctly dislike all this 'getting older may be compulsory but growing up is optional' nonsense. Since when is immaturity something to aspire to?
Jun 2020
10:05am, 13 Jun 2020
43,122 posts
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Derby Tup
Half decent post Roy. Better than your usual inconsequential prattling (not that I ever read it)
Jun 2020
10:06am, 13 Jun 2020
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Actually I take it back, children aren't the worst, my neighbours are. Total bastards.

Recently they removed the trees that have formed the boundary between their back garden and this one for the last 31 years, and then had the nerve to complain to me that they don't like what they can now see (sure, what they can see is that we don't pick up every bit of dog shit as soon as it's produced, but this has been the case for the last four years, if they didn't want to see it they should have given us a bit of notice so we could have put a better fence in place before or soon after they removed the trees).

And now they've torn out a really lovely little acer that was the centre piece of their front garden, too. They're probably going to replace it with something horribly naff.

Jun 2020
10:06am, 13 Jun 2020
43,123 posts
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Derby Tup
What’s the point of learning other languages? That would mean you could talk to other people. I don’t even like talking to myself
Jun 2020
10:07am, 13 Jun 2020
5,519 posts
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Thank you, Devon Tea,I hope you learned something.
Jun 2020
10:07am, 13 Jun 2020
9,516 posts
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ITG 🇮🇸
People with a dozen self-diagnosed psychiatric disorders and learning disabilities to justify to themselves why they've done hee haw with their lives. No one else cares, you attention seeking twats.

Also: what is this fashion about being an "introvert" and how hard it is? If you were a proper introvert you wouldn't glorify in telling everyone about it, you'd just get on with it like normal people.

Being an introvert is a fuckin godsend if you must know because you don't waste your time with other people.
Jun 2020
10:08am, 13 Jun 2020
8,590 posts
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My stupid phone is REFUSING to install the new software update, because it ‘doesn’t have enough space’. I never asked it to install the fucking software update, and I certainly didn’t ask it to whine on at me every 5 minutes about it. SHUT UP. I’M IN CHARGE HERE.

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Dear fellow misanthropes. Sign up to complain about your fellow citizens here. There may be some ove...

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