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Fetch Treasure Hunt

105 watchers
Mar 2020
1:31pm, 20 Mar 2020
8,180 posts
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Yes a blog with a description of the run and the items would be great cackleberry.
Mar 2020
1:42pm, 20 Mar 2020
1,897 posts
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Or even (if practical) Google Maps street view screen capture? I used that for some of my 'research' - especially when thinking (eg) of pub names, Archers locations, literature. I could have used a screenshot instead of personally being there.
Pictures/selfies are good, but participation should be open to all.
And with (potentially / rumoured) increasing self distancing, pictures/selfies may become a luxury for outdoor and urban finds?
Mar 2020
12:36am, 21 Mar 2020
18 posts
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I thought I'd have a go at the treasure hunt this month and I've written my first ever blog.


I found seven of the items on a long run from my house to my name from literature.
The other three were after work in the dark. I would like to have got better shots for these but I'm probably not going to get the chance so they will have to do.

Thanks for the challenge and hopefully I might have another go in April if I'm allowed out of the house (I might even try a selfie next time)
Mar 2020
5:07am, 21 Mar 2020
3,957 posts
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Alice the Camel
Well done bish, I enjoyed your blog!
Mar 2020
1:23pm, 21 Mar 2020
1,902 posts
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Today's gentle run and a late late entry - that spiral. I reckon, I've run past this 1500 - 2000 times. Never even thought of it for a spiral, even though I ran past it 5 or 6 times in the month. Even when others posted spiral staircases. Now I can't go past without thinking 'Doh!'

Mar 2020
1:30pm, 21 Mar 2020
1,997 posts
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I'm going to have to miss this month's treasure hunt ☹️ I've got a very restricted route for a while
Mar 2020
1:39pm, 21 Mar 2020
5,775 posts
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Here we go at last. I hope you enjoy...
Mar 2020
2:00pm, 21 Mar 2020
5,289 posts
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If things stay the way they are we could do a hunt based on things you may find indoors or likely to see out of the window.
Mar 2020
3:23pm, 21 Mar 2020
17,215 posts
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That has already been approved by his fetchiness Corrah, perhaps i should get that one up before the end of the month?
Mar 2020
3:24pm, 21 Mar 2020
5,290 posts
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Yay, can’t take credit for the idea either :)

About This Thread

Maintained by um
Rules and history fetcheveryone.com/article-view.php?id=564

March - Mandymoo
1. Baby lamb
2. Cloud formation
3. Something that makes you smile
4. A religious item
5. Daffodils
6. The number 12
7. Something orange
8. A gate
9. Lights
10. A reflection

February - ChatGPT
1) A Snowdrop or Early Crocus Flower
2) A Postbox with Valentine's Day Decorations
3) A Red Telephone Box
4) A St. David’s Day Flag (1st March)
5) A Frosty Scene or Frozen Pond
6) A Pub with a Fire or Hearty Signage
7) A Winter Bird (e.g., Robin)
8) A Scenic View of a Frosted Landscape or Snow-Capped Hill
9) A Valentine’s Day Card Display or Heart Decoration
10) A Historic Landmark with Winter Appeal

January Filler - Chrisity
1. The unwanted present
2. New Life
3. Seasonal Weather
4. A sad decoration
5. Cross Country
6. Dawn or dusk

And still in play
12 Days of Christmas - Reiver
1) Stocking
2) A Boxing Day Tradition
3) Christmas Wreath
4) Lights
5) Gold, Frankincense or Myrrh
6) (Son of a) Nutcracker
7) (on 31st Dec) New Year's Eve
8) Something brand new
9) The weather where you are
10) Baubles
11) Christmas Past
12) It's all over!

October 2024 - LouiseRuns 🌹🇬🇧 🇪🇺
1: autumn leaf - red
2: autumn leaf - yellow
3: misty morning/fog
4: the biggest (or best) fungus
5: acorns & conkers
6: shortening days
7: shadows of the evening
8: harvest
9: crisp
10: Hallowe'en

September 2024 - cackleberry
Here you go, and a bonus point got getting the theme
[ ] Hill/Mountain

[ ] Wood/forest
[ ] Public convenience

[ ] Trig point
[ ] Boundary
[ ] Bridge
[ ] Bridlepath
[ ] Youth hostel
[ ] Telephone box
[ ] Compass bearing

August 2024 - um
1) 5 rings
2) Long
3) High
4) Triple
5) 100
6) 10,000
7) Hammer
8) Hurdle
9) Marathon
10) Medal

July 2024 - Sweetie
1) Sun
2) Sea or C
3) Sand
4) Ruby
5) Water lily / lily
6) Anyone for tennis?
7) Independence
8) Dog days
9) Kebab (12th July is world kebab day apparently!)
10) Let the games begin

June 2024 - cackleberry
N to Z (themed 13 pics!), any theme (eg flowers, streets, whatever)

May 2024 - cackleberry
A to M (themed 13 pics!), any theme (eg flowers, streets, whatever)
(and you can guess what's coming for June)

April 2024 - cackleberry
Colours of the rainbow.
- Red
- Orange
- Yellow
- Green
- Blue
- Indigo
- Violet (Purple)
- Black
- White

March 2024 - Autumnleaves
1. Daffodils
2. Beware!
3. Easter
4. Lion
5. Lamb
6. Hedgerow
7. Egg
8. Palm Sunday
9. Mother's Day
10. Clock

February 2024 - Ultracat
1. Year of the Dragon
2. Hearts
3. Sign of Spring
4. Traditional or modern
5. Amethyst (purple)
6. 2 Fish
7. Water feature
8. Olympics
9. Ginger
10. Fat Thursday (Tłusty czwartek).

The rest of January 2024, Chrisity
5 (or more) intresting things within a mile of your house

12 Days of Christmas, Reiver
Day 1 25th : Your festive meal
Day 2 26th : Santa Claus
Day 3 27th : A Christmas window
Day 4 28th : Holly & Ivy
Day 5 29th : An outdoor Christmas tree
Day 6 30th : Six geese a laying
Day 7 31st : 'that's crackers!'
Day 8 1st : A New Year’s Day activity
Day 9 2nd : Back to normal
Day 10 3rd : The most dishevelled decoration
Day 11 4th : FIRE

November 2023, cackleberry
1. A nice bridge
2. Clouds
3. Post activity treat
4. Remembrance
5. Body part
6. Sculpture
7. Black and white
8. The letter S
9. Trio
10. Happy Birthday to Cackleberry!!

Watch out for an update for another Xmas special!
Conspiracy theory? There may be another badge

October 2023, Mandymoo
1. A rainbow
2. A carved pumpkin
3. A worm
4. Your favorite cake
5. A witch
6. A bucket
7. A JCB/Digger
8. Something blowing
9. Something bumpy
10. Something wet
  • Show full description...

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  • fun
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