Fetchnames - explain yours! :-)

102 watchers
Nov 2020
9:03am, 25 Nov 2020
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Wriggling Snake
That is quite a impressive list.
Nov 2020
9:16am, 25 Nov 2020
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It's hard to believe these days* but back in the dark ages when I grew up, it was compulsory to be called Richard. And that meant that wherever I went - school, work, football club, whatever - there was always a Richard there before me.

I was never the oldest; the coolest; the smartest; the fastest; or the best**. I was just the other one.

* We Richards are not even in the top 100 boys names these days.
** I can be the most self-deprecating. Or the most unremarkable, perhaps.
Nov 2020
9:27am, 25 Nov 2020
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Lol, cool name Richard. You are #1Richard in Fetch! (or are there others).

Wasn't it 12-1400s when Kings were called Richard? Not exactly the 70s?! :-) G
Nov 2020
9:28am, 25 Nov 2020
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By the way, the automated process of adding names that um or pedro(?) did may have truncated your explanation, if it was a longer one. So go to the article (linked in sidebar) if you want to check that your explanation is there in full?

(Like Flatlander and others have done). Thanks. :-) G
Nov 2020
9:32am, 25 Nov 2020
3,733 posts
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Yes HG - the original list was from a text extract from the thread from Fetch - then manipulated, filtered, sorted and formatted in Excel. So some longer ones & also some with special characters in them were possibly truncated.
Nov 2020
9:53am, 25 Nov 2020
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Yes :-) G, the dark ages don't quite extend back to the King Richard heyday, but I think* that we were in the top 10 quite regularly back in my youth.
And it seems there are 76 Richard/Rich usernames on Fetch (including surnames) so I'm unlikely to have been the first one here.

* citation needed
Nov 2020
9:57am, 25 Nov 2020
90 posts
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Citation provided (ONS website):

That's quite a fall from grace. I wonder what we did?

Nov 2020
10:12am, 25 Nov 2020
11,218 posts
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clearly a very naughty boy Richard, oh wait, no that was Brian......
Nov 2020
10:15am, 25 Nov 2020
36,595 posts
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Is it the increasing influence and the other meaning of "Dick" from US of A?! :-O
Nov 2020
10:16am, 25 Nov 2020
2,136 posts
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tOR - it could have been worse. I recall observing an exchange in (probably) the mid/late-80's between two friends.

Friend 1: 'We've got too many Richards - you'll have to be Jeff'
Friend 2 (Richard/Jeff): 'Fair enough - s'pose it makes me unique'

To the best of my knowledge, said individual is known as Jeff to this day.

About This Thread

Hi Fetchies

Come here and tell me about your Fetchname:
- how did you come up with it?
- how do you pronounce it? (prompted by pedroscalls - is it Pedro-Scalls or Pedros-Calls?

There're are a few that um and I've summarised from answers in the thread in a lovely Wiki article here:

Here is the list to read AND ADD YOUR NAME !!


Feel free to add your own name here and also in the article, in the style above.

Remember, everyone can edit a Wiki, just follow the link!

Cheers! :-) G

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