700 miles in 2019

1 lurker | 70 watchers
May 2019
7:57pm, 6 May 2019
3,832 posts
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remaining, not remaking, dratted autocorrect
May 2019
7:59pm, 6 May 2019
3,833 posts
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Oh no totp

Off to read, in bed I think :-)
May 2019
8:27pm, 6 May 2019
3,207 posts
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I was trying to figure that out 🤣
May 2019
9:02pm, 6 May 2019
17,051 posts
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Oh my word, shift from hell. Literally just got home (left home at 6am). Will make tea, sort out chickens and read back.
May 2019
9:06pm, 6 May 2019
26,592 posts
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Ferret we used to race our dinghy occasionally at a lake in the Cotswold Water park and I *never* understood the rules. Racing on the water seems to consist mainly of shouting and raising objections ;-)

I ran the handicap race, and all went well until the third and final lap when my knee decided enough was enough. I took a short walking break and got going again, but dropped the pace right back. It's made my mind up, I shall be a DNS at Berkeley 10k next Monday. I'm not unduly bothered, I'd much rather get back to running comfortably again before thinking about racing.
May 2019
9:07pm, 6 May 2019
7,180 posts
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Excellent Mr and Mrs Yumee!
May 2019
9:11pm, 6 May 2019
3,775 posts
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Happy birthday Bint!
Congrats to the Yumee's!
May 2019
9:11pm, 6 May 2019
1,204 posts
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When you tidy out your cupboard and realise just perhaps that you have a few too many running shirts.

(And this doesn’t include a previous batch already in the loft)
May 2019
9:20pm, 6 May 2019
26,593 posts
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If you want to get rid of any PH, I know we've (ie our club) donated a whole load to the prisons where they now have parkruns, and they were very grateful for them.
May 2019
9:23pm, 6 May 2019
12,498 posts
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Good tip Daisy. Of you can go for a duvet like the lady who blogged recently (aware that doesn’t narrow it down much ;-) )

About This Thread

Maintained by Serendippily
The 700 miles in 2020 thread is now live and can be found here: fetcheveryone.com/viewtopic.php?id=61122 Do come join us :-)

The thread motto is:
'700 miles is neither necessary nor sufficient'

bunting Hall of Fame bunting

Joyous January
01/01/19 McGiebling Worthing Hangover 5 medal SB
05/01/19 Badger Coldham’s Common pr medal pb
06/01/19 Sigh Centurion 5 mile (race 3) medal pb
12/01/19 FERC parkrun ageingtractor medal pb
20/01/09 Groundhog Winter Tanners 30 medal pb
27/01/19 Doooogs Meltham 10k medal course PB
27/01/19 ageingtractor Farnborough half medal pb

Fabulous February
17/02/19 ageingtractor Bramley 10 medal pb
23/02/19 parkruns LindsD 1st age cat medal; Badger medal pb; Groundhog medal course pb
24/02/19 CStar DD2 Wokingham half medal pb
24/02/19 Carpathius Tarpley 20 medal pb
24/02/19 Ferret Bournemouth 10 medal pb

Marvellous March
03/03/19 KimCanRun Smokies 10 medal pb
10/03/19 Fradley 10k Keegan medal PB, Sigh medal SB
10/03/19 Mrs Jigs The Big Half medal course pb
16/03/19 KimCanRun D33 Ultra medal pb
16/03/19 RedAlex Saturn Doh-Nut 50k medal pb
17/03/19 Sinj999 Reading Half medal pb
17/03/19 ageingtractor Brentwood Half medal pb
23/03/19 parkruns: Sigh Walsall Arboretum medal SB; Columba Builth pr medal 1st age cat SB; Thornton Runner medal post injury

Astounding April
05/04/19 Sweetie 400mswim medal pb
06/04/19 TeeBee Brooklands pr medal 1st age cat
07/04/19 Manchester Marathon Badger medal pb, RRR-Caz medal sub 3.30
07/04/19 Sigh - Centurion 5 mile (race 6) medal pb
07/04/19 Tay Ten Lip Gloss medal SB, Corrah medal SB, KimCanRun medalpb, Maltdrinker medal pb
20/04/19 Hale Village 5 Autumn leaves medal 1st age cat
28/04/19 London Marathon - sinj999 medal pb
28/04/19 Turtlemama Shakespeare Half medal 1st half pb
28/04/19 RRR-Caz DĂĽsseldorf Marathon medal pb

Magnificent May
04/05/19 Mrs Jigs Taman Pula Ula parkrun medal age cat record
05/05/19 Three Forts Challenge (Ultra)marathon - 12barDavid medal under 5 hrs
05/05/19 Baker Hughes 10k KCR medal pb, Maltdrinker medal SB
11/05/19 The Ox - CStar medal 1st ultra pb
11/05/19 Chiltern Ridge 50k - Badger
11/05/19 Parkrun - KCR medal pb, Thornton Runner medal sb, Lip Gloss medal 1st age cat
12/05/19 Lichfield Half Marathon - Keegan medal pb
12/05/19 Bury to Clare 18 - Carp medal pb
12/05/19 Alton 10 - ageingtractor medal pb
12/05/10 Dunecht Dash 5k - Lip Gloss medal SB
19/05/19 Hackney half - Pothunter medal course pb
19/05/19 Clanfield Challenge - Fleecy medal 20k pb
19/05/19 Great Manchester Run - AL and Team Halle medal 1st place
25/05/19 Mývatn marathon - ITG medal comeback
27/05/19 London Vitality 10k -McGoohan medal WAVA pb

Jiving June
08/06/19 Henley 24hr - Linds team medal Silver podium
09/06/19 Two Castles 10k - Turtlemama medal pb
09/06/19 Cotswold 113 Triathlon - Sweetie medal pb
09/06/19 Fraserburgh 10k - Corrah medal SB
16/06/19 Alresford 10k - Ageingtractor medal pb
22/06/19 parkrun - LindsD medal SB medal best WAVA medal 1st age cat
29/06/19 parkrun - Groundhog medal 1st age cat
29/06/19 St Cuthbert's Way Ultra 45m - Yumee medal ultra pb
30/06/19 Round Sheffield Run 15 - Sigh medal pb

Jubilant July
03/07/19 Hard as Nails 15k, McGoohan medal pb
10/07/19 12barDavid Brighton Phoenix 10k medal pb
13/07/19 parkrun LindsD medal SB Wava pb, Badger medal pb
20/07/19 Elmore 7 McGoohan medal pb
27/7/19 Try a Tri - CStar medal 1st place

Astonishing August
04/09/19 MandyMoo Ride100 medal course pb
08/08/19 RRR-Caz Dinton pastures 10K medal 1st age cat over 4 races
10/08/19 ITG Jökulsárhlaup 13k medal 2nd overall

Superb September
01/09/19 Kent Coastal Half - Fragile DNB medal SB
15/09/19 Sigh - St. Thomas' 7 mile medal pb
15/09/19 RRRCaz - Swallowfield 10k medal SB
22/09/19 Turtlemama - Balsall Common 10k medal pb
29/09/19 Carpathius - Ealing Half medal SB
29/09/19 McGoohan - Pontefract half medal SB
29/09/19 Mrs Jigs - Scottish Half medal SB medal 1st age cat

Outstanding October
05/10/19 DrK celebration parkrun - Lip Gloss medal cup winner
06/10/19 Loch Ness marathon - Maltdrinker medal pb
13/10/19 Funkyplates - Melbourne Marathon medal pb
13/10/19 Peregrinator - Guildford 10k medal pb
14/10/19 Sigh - Farndon 10k medal SB
14/10/19 Maltdrinker - Aviemore half medal pb
19/10/19 parkrun - Mrs Jigs medal 1st age cat record, Sigh medal SB
20/10/19 Mrs Jigs - Poznan marathon medal 1st age cat
26/10/19 Fleecy - Beachy Head marathon medal pb
27/10/19 Autumn Leaves - Striders trail 5 medal LV50

Nicely Done November
03/11/19 NYC marathon - ageingtractor medal pb
17/11/19 St Neots half - Badger medal pb
30/11/19 parkrun - LazyDaisy medal 1st age cat, Columba medal 1st age cat, TeeBee medal 2nd age cat, Lip Gloss medal 3rd age cat, Molesey medal SB

Delicious December
15/12/19 RRR-Caz - Muddy Welly 10k medal V series winner
29/12/19 Badger - Cambridge City Christmas 10k medal pb

Frequently Found here
bunting = * bunting * without spaces. Knitted furiously and strewn about thread.
appleapple = * apple * * apple * without spaces. Pompoms (Fr)
Morning / Mooring / Mornage etc = estimated 70% thread conversation.
“A dogs bumhole of a day” = a glorious day.
The injury bench *plumps cushions and rattles drugs trolley*. Happens to the best of us at some point :-(
The umbrage. Mostly left ironed and neatly folded.
Sharktopus = Bint’s fierce pet, set loose on anyone foolish enough to be hanging about when they could be out running goo.gl

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