Feb 2018
6:02am, 9 Feb 2018
10,108 posts
Ralph does that! However, if it's the other door I open and he has his lead on he'll happily go out in any weather.
Feb 2018
7:27am, 9 Feb 2018
21,403 posts
You could be describing Floss' late night behaviour
Feb 2018
7:29am, 9 Feb 2018
3,498 posts
Alice the Camel
...and Charlie's! I've lost count of the number of times I've found myself stood in the rain in the garden whilst he watches me from the kitchen doorway.
Feb 2018
7:32am, 9 Feb 2018
21,922 posts
Dave A
Cookie and Phoebes call is ‘wee wee bed’. They usually look up st us to say that they aren’t moving then as soon as the key clicks in the back door they are there like a shot. Then when it’s raining they have to be made to go outside for the quickest toilet stop ever.
Feb 2018
10:03am, 9 Feb 2018
7,065 posts
Wanda has to have 'bedtime biscuits' which when rattled in her dish near the back door will summon her with a big sigh, from in front of the fire.
She knows the deal is that upon eating the bedtime biscuits she has to go out in the garden to do a wee regardless of whether it is torrential rain or not. And she knows that if she doesn't do this she will have her lead on and be walked down the garden so now she will rush out to the closest available bit of grass to the back door, wee and rush straight back in again. If she is quick enough and we haven't closed the door into the living room she'll go into her bed there because she knows she should at that point be in bed in the kitchen!
Feb 2018
11:44am, 9 Feb 2018
21,408 posts
They are clever and cunning souls:-)
Feb 2018
9:36am, 14 Feb 2018
25,147 posts
Finally it's arrived...
Feb 2018
9:38am, 14 Feb 2018
25,148 posts
It's a bit on the big side but it will prevent him shaking sea water and sand all over my car
Feb 2018
9:46am, 14 Feb 2018
4,475 posts
Aww, he looks very smart
And better a too big towel then a too small one!
Feb 2018
10:08am, 14 Feb 2018
21,470 posts
And he's wagging his tail Flossie still looks woebegone when I put it on her