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Ultra Marathons

461 watchers
Oct 2020
10:33am, 3 Oct 2020
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I am hopeless at being able to eat even during a marathon, I’ve done Dark Skies twice and failed epically at both. I discovered too much reliance on jelly sweets was the main cause. The ultra I did (but only 9hrs if running) I started well. Drank too much cold water upset my stomach and couldn’t eat, before Marathon distance I really started to fail thankfully another runner forced me to eat something and I managed to struggle on.

I had a nutritionalist to help me and she said I needed to learn to eat and drink on the move but I didn’t even take on water during a few 10+ mile runs recently. So I know this is my weak area.

at least I have 20months to prepare. I’ve been plotting some runs I can do locally (they will be laps) but I can also work into that stopping for food/drinks and I want to get to the point I’m running tired even if not the distance.

My stuff has arrived from Rat Race. First impressions the pack looks great. 2 decent sized zip pockets in the front along with large expandable pockets which will fit the soft flasks. Huge area at the back for all the stuff I’ll need. I’m going to pack it up and see how it fits and if it feels ok I will test it out on my vVLM run tomorrow.

I really appreciate all the little nuggets of info and guidance. And despite waking up this morning thinking of it takes me 26hrs I’ve still got almost 3hrs to go!! So note to self train - rest - fuel and finish quicker 😂 but I’m still strangely excited.
Oct 2020
10:42am, 3 Oct 2020
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A good crew can be a huge advantage. But an inexperienced one can add stress and be much slower than just using aid stations. I’ve seen people sat in camping chairs for extended periods whereas I only sat down twice each time for less than 5 minutes in my last two 100 mile races

It can also increase the risk of a DNF if you have a warm car to take you home at a moment’s notice rather than the easiest option being slogging it out for a finish when you kit bag is at the finish

Also it can be distressing for your loved ones to see in an absolute pickle whereas experienced runners would tell you to hurry up and stop complaining

Pacers are much more of advantage but most races don’t have them
Oct 2020
11:02am, 3 Oct 2020
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Dave do you want to be my crew/pacer 😂

I am doing this solo. I will be carrying my own snacks & water and topping up at aid stations. My husband will be at the end. I don’t want family popping up on route it would stress me knowing they are waiting & worrying if I’m later than I’ve estimated or if I was quicker & then needed to wait.

A friend even talked about doing it but I said I don’t want any stress great if she does it but has to be our own run.
Oct 2020
11:11am, 3 Oct 2020
48,950 posts
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I agree that doing that sort of distance as a team adds an extra level of challenge, gg. And also that a good crew is invaluable and it's even better if that crew consists of people who are invested in you finishing but don't love you :)
Oct 2020
11:23am, 3 Oct 2020
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If it wasn’t 100s of miles away...

Yes I think you have the right idea GG. I saw a runner arguing with a crew member at the start of the TP100 because the runner couldn’t answer exactly which snacks he would want at the 75 mile crew stop.
Oct 2020
11:50am, 3 Oct 2020
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I have loaded the pack with mandated & recommended kit for The Wall just threenin a few things for snacks and the pack is brilliant I can tighten shoulders chest and waist which means it fits really close to my back and it hits high which they say minimises bounce. So I’m thinking I got myself a bargain! I’ll see how it goes tomorrow.
Oct 2020
12:26pm, 3 Oct 2020
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Oct 2020
12:27pm, 3 Oct 2020
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Oct 2020
12:29pm, 3 Oct 2020
4,879 posts
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That looks good. Spacious and front looks like you can carry your bottles at the front.
Oct 2020
12:34pm, 3 Oct 2020
48,954 posts
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Race best. Is that the most apt typo ever? ;)

That looks very promising. The real test will be running in it, of course.

I love race vests. I struggled to run with a rucksack, but having some of the weight in the front in the form of water bottles, and being able to drink effortlessly on the move, made a massive difference.

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Maintained by Rosehip
Spine tracker (assuming the weather permits)

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