Jan 2019
12:46pm, 8 Jan 2019
6,436 posts
I'm a weirdo in that I like the earthy taste of beetroot juice anyway. Plus it does make it entertaining when brought to a vomiting finish and it looks like you've got some horrendous internal haemorrhage going on I've not gone for any other potions though. (As an aside, I've found it helps with altitude sickness on skiing holidays too)
I agree with that legal and available principle 100%, especially if you are racing for position and if it is important. It's just probably not for me.
Jan 2019
12:49pm, 8 Jan 2019
65,874 posts
I tired the cherry stuff and all sorts of voodoo
My embracing of tech kicked on when I became a cyclist, you really can BUY performance.
Jan 2019
12:59pm, 8 Jan 2019
6,437 posts
Yep, always will be the case in cycling. Even I did that for my second duathlon - instead of riding a 29er MTB in a flappy t-shirt and trainers I bought a road bike!! That made a fairly substantial difference!!
I was talking to a youngster who has just signed with a small cycling team about kit performance etc, and he was baffled why runners don't do more to get equipment based gains - aero clothing, women's hairstyles, wearing large bits of jewellery, shaved legs etc etc. Things that would be obvious marginal gains to cyclists seem to be ignored at the very top by runners - presumably the impact is much less, but there must be some gains to be made.
Jan 2019
1:01pm, 8 Jan 2019
65,877 posts
Remember Kathy Freeman
I think Car Lewis as well
Jan 2019
1:17pm, 8 Jan 2019
6,438 posts
Yes, some "get it". But surely SAFP could have run faster in Rio without those hair extensions!!
Jan 2019
1:59pm, 8 Jan 2019
535 posts
@Larks I would have thought you'd understand why SAFP did this considering your stance on "staying true to ones principles" over a few seconds gained in time.
I on the other hand take gains wherever i can find them, i run in short shorts or tights and good shoes. I'd like to squeeze as much performance out of my body i can in the little time i can do it.
Jan 2019
2:23pm, 8 Jan 2019
3,856 posts
Windsor Wool
Gus - I’ve run quite a bit on the Deeside line. I can’t imagine a better surface for a fast pair of shoes
Jan 2019
2:26pm, 8 Jan 2019
6,440 posts
SKR - I'd understand it is she was slow like me, but she's running for world titles etc. If I was in her shoes I'd leave no stone unturned to find all legal ways of getting me from A to B as fast as I could. My "principles" thing only really applies to me as a hobbyist - I have a benchmark time of 18m14s for a 5k. If I am ever to beat that I want it to be done to my body / mind being better, not to be in 18:20 shape but run 18:10 because of the shoes.
Jan 2019
2:38pm, 8 Jan 2019
536 posts
I doubt the shoes can do anything if your body isn't already tuned to it. The shoes are just one small variable in the many variables that make for a good race performance.
Jan 2019
2:46pm, 8 Jan 2019
65,881 posts
No logic at all Larks, lots of new shoes have had innovation over the years it is just this pair being designed just for the sub 2 attempt have gone at the market with real drive.
Addi Boosts for sure were sold as improved performance
Radcliffe had a marathon shoe designed just for her which I wore as if they were good enough for Paula etc...
Are you saying you will constantly wear shoes that are out of date ?
Do you run in 70s plimsoles ?