Mar 2022
3:32pm, 21 Mar 2022
36,476 posts
I think the point is the details matter and for each runner those details can give more info. Faster runners will generally train faster than slower runners for the same mileage so there's always going to be a correlation between speed and mileage if you take runners as a group.
Intervals always need more than saying intervals to define them. Just like a continuous runs need to say more.
Mar 2022
3:41pm, 21 Mar 2022
17,420 posts
We're all individuals. But it's a bit like F1 - the engineers set the car up to a formula as a baseline, and then things are tweaked up / down / back / forth to hit the sweet spot. Only hours and hours of testing will tell what are the right changes, and even then there'll be external factors like weather, track temp, driver style etc which will fully optimise.
Same with running plans. All we can do is start with something generic with some broad evidence base behind it which looks like it might suit us. Then we review and tweak. But we don't get as many chances to iterate and refine those tweaks. I've just spent 1/50th of my total time as a runner in the 12 week plan I'm doing at the moment and if I've wasted it on doing something sub-optimal I'll only discover that in a couple of week's time!
Mar 2022
3:53pm, 21 Mar 2022
22,290 posts
Yeah, but what you have done has in part been based on what you know has worked before so you shouldnt be far off the mark. Albeit you may not (yet) know what exactly is the best prep for you.
Maybe you can next time out follow the plan of ChiRunners mate who started out with 1 mile at 6:52 per mile and each week went a further mile at the same pace until 26 weeks later he hoped to break 3 hours.
I dont think we heard the outcome but suspect injury thwarted that plan
Mar 2022
4:05pm, 21 Mar 2022
36,478 posts
That plan is quite funny as it's what Gordon Pirie imagines an alien with no knowledge might try when presented with a running challenge IIRC.
Of course, intervals are based on the fact you can do more at required speed with breaks.
Mar 2022
4:07pm, 21 Mar 2022
17,421 posts
It's not a million miles off how I prepared for my first HM, to be honest!
Mar 2022
4:16pm, 21 Mar 2022
36,479 posts
It's actually more basic than that.
How To Run A Race
The purpose of training is, of course, to race over your speciality as quickly as possible. In order to understand exactly how to go about training for a race, we must first know what a race is and how to run it.
If you came from outer space, knew nothing at all about running, and I challenged you to a race, how would you go about preparing? Let us say that you have a month to get ready. I have shown you the starting and finishing lines. It is irrelevant what the distance is - you, the Spaceman, have no concept of Earth distances anyway. The answer to my question as to how to train is to stand at the start and run to the finish line as fast as you can. Then you will take a rest, and do it again and again until you have become good at it.
Mar 2022
4:30pm, 21 Mar 2022
22,291 posts
Maybe for shorter distances but not for the longer ones. Before my first half my longest run was about 10 miles and I doubt if I had done 20 before my first marathon - I just went out and ran
Mar 2022
4:46pm, 21 Mar 2022
36,480 posts
It says if you knew nothing about running..
I'm pretty sure anyone that was determined and not put off by tiredness etc, would think running the distance and running it fairly fast was a good idea. It's why beginners generally run faster than established runners for the same outcomes; they think they need to.
Mar 2022
4:55pm, 21 Mar 2022
12,217 posts
There are still people who talk about specificity and how you only get good at what you practice. Ie running at race pace. Take that too literally and adding a mile per week at target pace looks like a good strategy
Mar 2022
1:18am, 22 Mar 2022
835 posts
I have tested positive for Covid this morning. Current rules in Queensland state I must isolate for 7 days with no running outside (I don't have a treadmill). I can't see Brisbane marathon happening at this stage. I am considering whether to target Sunshine Coast in August instead.