The birds of OTG: a non-liturgical deathmatch (23-02)

22 watchers
Jan 2023
10:48am, 20 Jan 2023
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R1G10 closes

Donald Fauntleroy Duck - a cartoon character created by the Walt Disney company: gross 11, net 10 (Progresses to next round)
The Eagle Has Landed - an all star cast tries to save Winston Churchill from kidnap: gross 9, net 8 (Progresses to next round)
ESO 593-8, a group of interacting galaxies also known as "The Bird": gross 9, net 8 (Progresses to next round)
Birdy - a singer songwriter named Jasmine Lucilla Elizabeth Jennifer van den Bogaerde: gross 3, net 2 (Progresses to next round)
Mellow Birds - instant "coffee" typically found on the bottom of a bird's cage: gross 2, net 1 (Progresses to next round)
Jan 2023
10:49am, 20 Jan 2023
26,056 posts
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Angus Clydesdale
Dammit, you were too quick for me.
Jan 2023
10:53am, 20 Jan 2023
5,620 posts
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Oscar the Grouch
You're waiting on me? Sorry, life admin. More voting appears to be the wish of the bleaterati. My preference is for whatever prolongs the pain. I.e. which route would satnav take me down via cul de sacs and industrial estates? That route please, chief.
Jan 2023
10:53am, 20 Jan 2023
142,647 posts
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R1G11 closes

Big Bird - nickname for Joel Garner, one of a production line of West Indian fast bowlers: gross 11, net 10 (Progresses to next round)
Hawkeye - an extremely skilled marksman, a former special agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and one of the founding members of the Avengers: gross 8, net 7 (Progresses to next round)
Buzby - yellow cartoon buzzard used to advertise British Telecom: gross 7, net 6 (Progresses to next round)
Robin - Dick Grayson to Bruce Wayne: gross 5, net 4 (Progresses to next round)
Tweety Pie - a yellow canary in the Waner Bros stable. Or cage.: gross 4, net 3 (Progresses to next round)
Jan 2023
10:55am, 20 Jan 2023
78,969 posts
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More shit vicar
Jan 2023
10:56am, 20 Jan 2023
142,648 posts
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Thanks OTG. Straight to knockout after this then. Good show. Less effort for me. More voting for all of us.

Shame though - the second set of wildcards would have included Byrd, an unincorporated community in Marion County, in the U.S. state of Alabama and Byrd Amendment, the Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000, an American legislative act.
Jan 2023
10:59am, 20 Jan 2023
142,650 posts
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R1G12 closes

Captain Birdseye - avuncular purveyor of cod in breadcrumbs: gross 16, net 15 (Progresses to next round)
Birdie - a score of one under par in golf: gross 11, net 10 (Progresses to next round)
Hawkeye - electronic system to aid with on field decisions in sports such as cricket, tennis and football: gross 5, net 4 (Progresses to next round)
Twitter - a social media channel owned by a psychopath: gross 3, net 2 (Progresses to next round)
Robin Bush - one time noted historian: gross 2, net 1 (Progresses to next round)
Jan 2023
11:00am, 20 Jan 2023
47,900 posts
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♪♫ Synge ♪♫
Golden Seahawk - an ale brewed by Cotleigh Brewery in Wiveliscombe: gross 2, net 0 (Eliminated)

Is it any good, Oscar the Grouch?
Jan 2023
11:01am, 20 Jan 2023
9,761 posts
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I'm dubiously proud of being part of the bleaterati.
Jan 2023
11:11am, 20 Jan 2023
142,655 posts
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R1G13 closes

Yankee Doodle Pigeon - Dick Dastardley's nemesis: gross 13, net 12 (Progresses to next round)
Sam the American Eagle - a Muppet character best known for his ultra-patriotism and disciplined manner of being: gross 10, net 9 (Progresses to next round)
Birds - an Alfred Hitchcock thriller: gross 7, net 6 (Progresses to next round)
Howard the Duck - a 1986 American superhero comedy film: gross 6, net 5 (Progresses to next round)
Captain Jack Sparrow - principle protagonist in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise: gross 3, net 2 (Progresses to next round)

About This Thread

Maintained by GregP
Deathmatch closed 02/02/23

GOLD: Robin - a small insectivorous passerine bird

SILVER: Pterodactyl - an extinct genus of pterosaurs

BRONZE: Bluebird - a gas turbine-powered vehicle that was driven by Donald Campbell and achieved the world land speed record in 1964
BRONZE: Penguin - long established book company

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