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The benefits of giving up alcohol

281 watchers
23 contributors in last 30 days
Mar 2020
8:32am, 16 Mar 2020
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Oscar the Grouch
Noticeable (and I have done the same whilst away on holiday currently) that there has been a 'stress' reaction to using alcohol in these uncertain times.

Look after yourselves and those around you, folks. We are going to need Cook-like staying power to get through day to day life in the coming weeks. I make the assumption that avoiding alcohol will help us all with that. x
Mar 2020
8:38am, 16 Mar 2020
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Derby Tup
Long story short we had a very stressful half hour or so on yesterday’s canal walk. I said to Stef if I was still drinking I’d be going home and having a stiff drink to calm my nerves - probably a whisky or brandy. I had a big mug of tea instead
Mar 2020
8:56am, 16 Mar 2020
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I couldn't go back to the pavilion. It would be a mess! So, I'll stay at crease - 5,328 not out including today, which I will include, because def not having a drink today! :-) G
Mar 2020
8:58am, 16 Mar 2020
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OtG, do you mean that people are "having a drink" because of CV? Or rather due to the stress of CV? Understandable I suppose. I've seen a few "f*ck it, life's too short for this sh*t, I'm opening the beers/wine etc." on FB etc.

I liked the one that Ireland is closing pubs, as if that is the mark of the end of civilization! Obviously, closing any commercial or public institutions is serious, but that it was the pub was sort of the headline. Made me laugh anyway! :-) G
Mar 2020
8:59am, 16 Mar 2020
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Derby Tup
The Irish closing pubs made me smile too pint
Mar 2020
9:02am, 16 Mar 2020
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Oscar the Grouch
I think it has rocked people and there's an understandable need to re-base ourselves. I meant due to the stress of what has so quickly escalated.
Mar 2020
9:07am, 16 Mar 2020
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Mar 2020
9:10am, 16 Mar 2020
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Derby Tup
Looks like fashions haven’t moved on much in Notts since last time was there ;-)
Mar 2020
10:00pm, 16 Mar 2020
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big love to anyone who needs it. i think we're all about to have our resilience on all things tested in the next couple of months. strangely, it's 10 years to the week where my rampant peak-alcohol abuse nearly ended me. i thought back to it, and even though it took another four years to knock it for good, i feel grateful for everything that has happened since, the good and the bad. no whisky cupboard to lead me astray in the epidemic bunker when it comes to that, just a pile of library books, and some netflix.
look after yourselves.
Mar 2020
10:04pm, 16 Mar 2020
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mrs shanksi
Good post Scorge. I have three library books including the new Hilary Mantel! I saw the email from our bosses. I will take home half the school library to read while we're off. If we ever get off.

About This Thread

Maintained by HappyG(rrr)
Looks as though this thread has become popular again, here in 2010 (it's now 2024, and it started in 2008, so I think "ever popular" might be more apt! :-) G ) :-) Good Luck everyone.

A recent plea for those struggling to "reach out" as they say in US of A!

"Anyone not feeling strong and confident, please shout out. Or fmail. Or any other comms that works. Don't drink alcohol when you don't want to, for lack of someone to talk to. Pick up the phone, not the bottle."

Some acronyms, in case people use them:
JFT - Just for today
ODAAT - One day at a time
KIS - Keep it simple
TBOGUA - The Benefits Of Giving Up Alcohol (the title of this thread!)

New feature: article/blog of the month (period may change randomly!) Swittle's wonderful 14,611 days blog: (see links below)

Linking Joopsy's 17 year blog too, cos it's awesome!

There is a GREAT article summarising some of the benefits, to save you having to trawl through the thread (includes links to helpful apps and other resources).

And a great list of Alternative Drinks started by the lovely LindsD:

Please add to these articles and make them as valuable as possible! Thanks! :-) G

And one from way back when...
Dirt Monkey's brilliant blog on TBOGUA too - go try this...

Rebel has recommended a couple of good books:
The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober: THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER
by Catherine Gray

The Alcohol Experiment: 30 Days to Take Control, Cut Down or Give Up For Good
by Annie Grace

A great response from a health professional in Ireland responding to a question from a Guardian reader about why the warnings on alcoholic drinks that are coming in:


"Alcohol is responsible for at least 1,000 cancer cases every year in Ireland, with one in eight breast cancer cases arising from alcohol use. Even one to two drinks per day increases the risk of developing cancer, and that risk is the same whether those drinks are wine, spirits or beer. Unfortunately, there is a very low level of public awareness that alcohol has been classed as a Group 1 carcinogen, meaning it is carcinogenic to humans. That is why Ireland has passed legislation that provides for health information labels on alcohol products, including warnings about cancer, liver disease and the danger of drinking in pregnancy. It is unsurprising that the alcohol industry, which promotes its products with carefully crafted myths of good times for all, is objecting to the mandatory provision of facts (Anger brews in Italy over Ireland’s plans for alcohol health warnings, 12 January).
Dr Sheila Gilheany
CEO, Alcohol Action Ireland

And the all important fabulous services:
Alcoholics Anonymous
National Helpline (FREE) 0800 9177 650

Al Anon
020 7403 0888

medal medal Contact TBOGUA medal medal

We're adding in our own Fetch offer of one to one contact too, for anyone who doesn't want to post in the thread for whatever reason. Please feel free to fmail ANY of the names listed below.

- - - -
( Oscar the grouch RIP )
mrs shanksi
Derby Tup
Love Lettuce
GregP star
Joopsy star

Note: we're none of us experts, but we're happy to listen, to answer any questions and to offer support if you think it would help you. Except star marked above. Who are experts! :-)

(Note II: at Christmas some names may change a bit, but I'm sure you can still find us to fmail!)
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