Stretch, strength, core... do you? :-)

29 watchers
May 2021
3:44pm, 19 May 2021
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Think I'm feeling the benefit of being back in the gym at least 2 x 1 hour per week now. Everyone else still doing their core, stretch, strength and conditioning, whatever you want to call it? :-) G
May 2021
4:10pm, 19 May 2021
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Yes, strength and mobility a couple of times a week.
May 2021
4:19pm, 19 May 2021
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Yep, sticking to it pretty regularly in some form or other.

Most of what I've been doing has been relatively low weights and lots of reps/variety but I've recently started working towards increasing my 1 rep max for a couple of movements (I've chosen Squats and Overhead Press to start with).

I'm still doing the random variations of whatever else I do but every wednesday (squats) and weekend (Overhead Press) I'm building up to 3 x 5 of 2.5kg more than last week until I cant any more then I'll stick for a few weeks, or maybe swap for a different movement.

The mobility/flexibility stuff is less regular and tends to be just when I'm feeling knackered and need an easier session in the morning, or sometimes at the weekend when the football is rubbish.
May 2021
4:23pm, 19 May 2021
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That's impressive Nellers. I only ever do 3 x 15s and 20s at very low weights. Before running (15 plus years ago) I liked doing heavier and lower reps, but then I was more gym and less anything else back then! :-) G
May 2021
4:57pm, 19 May 2021
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I've never enjoyed doing "gym stuff" in the past. It was only ever something I did when I could be bothered because I knew it helped with the running or cycling or rowing or (way back) the canoeing I was doing.

Last year in lockdown I had a bit of an epiphany. I realised that I don't like all the waiting around between sets. I get bored. Doing a circuit of, say, burpees, deadlifts and squats with relatively light weights and just keeping going (so CrossFit style stuff) has really worked for me.

I've definitely got stronger this year not because I've been working on max strength but just because I've stuck to it and it's been regular and a bit progressive.

The best training plan is the one you can stand doing.
May 2021
5:21pm, 19 May 2021
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+1 for that Nellers. Same with running really - if you can do it regularly and as much as poss (and blockers include not liking it, injury etc.) then you get better at it! NSS, as they say!

I'm lucky, I quite enjoy going to the gym. I do get annoyed if a piece of equipment is taken, but I have enough variety in what I do (and it's also a huge gym!) that I can usually find something else that is available for me to use!

Well done though - impressive progress. :-) G
May 2021
5:24pm, 19 May 2021
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Makes it a whole lot easier that it's all in my shed. No commute. No membership. No queues for the weights. ;-)

I doubt if it's as well equipped as the one you're using but it's a much smaller membership list.;-)
May 2021
5:28pm, 19 May 2021
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I'm just three weeks into a new focus on strength (prompted by an episode of acute back pain, a flare-up of a chronic disc condition) and loving it so far. Two sessions with a trainer and one on my own - which isn't sustainable, financially, but I'm seeing it as an investment for a couple of months. I may continue with one session for a while after that.

It's all kettlebells and bodyweight, so easy to do at home.
May 2021
5:29pm, 19 May 2021
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The gym I used to go to is at work so I've not been back. I do bodyweight and range of motion stuff at home.

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Maintained by HappyG(rrr)
Is it worth doing or should we just run? If so, how, where, when? :-) G

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