Jun 2012
8:06am, 11 Jun 2012
6,562 posts
Oh dear Pootle! How unpleasant! The marshalls all smelt nice though One thing that peeves me every year (probably for no good reason) is the number of people who enter the walking race that then jog/walk it - just seems unfair
Jun 2012
8:52am, 11 Jun 2012
19,816 posts
Mulbs, talking of peeves (and this is a minor one) was how at some points the walkers were 3 abreast, in narrow lanes. Which meant you only needed one runner to stop and walk for a bit and you've have congestion. I know the walkers like to walk abreast to encourage each other, but perhaps us runners should shout "coming through" as we approach. Dunno.
Welcome to Fetch, RosRunner, and well done for completing a nicely undulating course! Not easy was it!
Jun 2012
9:27am, 11 Jun 2012
6,564 posts
Just don't "follow through" on the run Frobes! Yes, walkers walking two and three abreast can be a royal pain in the arse, both for the speed demons at the front who get the sprint and stop-dead crowd and those at the back who are trying to run the whole thing and keep having to change pace or deviate to avoid the social amblers. As you say in narrow parts some consideration should be shown, we did try to encourage walkers to keep to one side to allow the runners through (We marshalled 5-6 milesish and again at 11 milesish (either side of holly bush pub) and by 11 mielsish the walkers that were coming through looked largely v fed up and not at all in the mood - the runners by comparison really whooped it up on that corner and were v entertaining