Spine Race 2021
7 watchers
Nov 2020
9:27am, 26 Nov 2020
1,112 posts
Any other fetchies in? I have snook in from the back of the wait list (which was over 200 people long). Around 136 people on roster. Time to buy kit and get ready!
Nov 2020
12:31pm, 27 Nov 2020
2,346 posts
Time to save your money until next year would probably be a better policy. For starters unless there is a change in Scotland's regulations crossing the border to finish will be an illegal act in itself. Add in that large parts of the course are in Tier 3 areas (including the start) and most of them are still likely to be in January, are a company like Montane really going to be party to encouraging people to ignore the instruction not to move in and out of Tier 3 areas for nonessential reasons (and yes I know it's advice not law)? That is a PR disaster waiting to happen.
Nov 2020
1:00pm, 27 Nov 2020
814 posts
Sam Jelfs
Think you are right flyingfinn, think it's going to be closer to easter before we really start to see any big events again. I'm still expecting my race end of Feb to be cancelled...
Nov 2020
9:26am, 28 Nov 2020
1,124 posts
We'll see. It's paid already. The good thing is as I'm in I will have entry for 2022 or 23. FWIW as it isn't a big event as long as the border is open there are options to make it COVID secure IMO even in Tier 3. Individual starts like orienteering events (I'm doing one 6 Dec), takeaway check points, no indoor sleeping - just give me drop bag access and I'll keep going. The hardest bit will be the cars for CP crew and safety teams. |
Nov 2020
9:31am, 28 Nov 2020
47,886 posts
Derby Tup
I can’t see how an event like the Spine can, or should go ahead As ever there’s a bigger picture and a longer game. All kinds of bodies are restricting access to open country and any kind of issue with an event like the Spine could really screw things up |
Dec 2020
7:45am, 23 Dec 2020
1,173 posts
Spine now scheduled for 5 Feb. I think it’ll struggle to go ahead then. I am aware they have an austere plan if necessary.
Dec 2020
8:00am, 23 Dec 2020
2,406 posts
About the only thing they'll be able to do is repeated reps of any bits of the PW left in T2 with only competitors and volunteers from other T2 areas. My understanding is that T2 areas like North Yorkshire have told other races like Hardmoors 30 that they could only go ahead if they could ensure no competitors from T3 (and now T4) would attend. Doesn't seem much point or at all sensible if it's reduced to that.
Dec 2020
8:27am, 23 Dec 2020
1,174 posts
That’s interesting- he has kept his cards close to his chest and I don’t know hardmoors arrangements any better than Spine. I assumed that takeaway food at checkpoints, outdoor bivvy and the like would be required to make it tier 3 compliant. It’s actually really low risk and I’d be more worried about the train journey up there or falling in a sinkhole on fountains fell but appearances are everything so I can’t see cases dropping by Feb. I think I’ll likely defer and have a year to train. Just have to take risk that I get work time off.
Dec 2020
9:43am, 23 Dec 2020
2,407 posts
From a purely personal point of view I have every sympathy with your view of the risk and if I was doing the Spine my direct concerns would like yours be more about my ability to manage my safety around the hazards on the course when extremely fatigued rather than Covid. But standing back and looking at it from the outside world's view of the sport trying to continue with an event at this point seems to be a recipe for a PR disaster whilst winding up every relevant authority (e.g. LA SAGs, NT, National Parks, local residents etc) and destroying future goodwill. It's very disappointing for everyone involved, be they organisers, competitors or volunteers, who have invested large amounts of time and cash in getting themselves to this point but in the larger picture I think there is only one sensible course of action for the organisers at this point. The PW will be there next year and fingers crossed by that point a full blown race will be possible and can be enjoyed by everyone. This is what Hardmoors posted on 10th Dec (they have since formally cancelled the races) "We had all permissions to go ahead, up until the latest tier system came into place. From that moment, we were advised by Scarborough Council and the Safety Advisory Group to not go ahead with the event, due to tier 3 people travelling to a tier 2 area. Also, the Yorkshire Ambulance Service were worried that if there were an incident during the race, we would be taking up vital resources that may be needed elsewhere. We have never had a serious incident in 10 years and we do have our own medical team, however, we appreciate their opinions. We know it would be safe being all outdoors and using COVID measures which have worked for us at previous races, however, we do not wish to go against any advice from any authorities. We considered allowing only tier 2 people take part, but this would be difficult to monitor and also, we have a lot of marshalls who live in a tier 3 area who would not be able to travel to a tier 2 area. Therefore, unless the tier system is markedly changed on 16th December, we will not be able to go ahead with the races." I also know from my own involvement with a race organisation team that in Derbyshire both the NT or the Park Authority are extremely reluctant to authorise races (or even really talk about them) whilst we are still in T3 (even on the basis that things may have changed by the race date, certainly with competitors from outside a given T3 area). So in those areas the only way of going ahead is by doing so without permissions be they from the relevant Local Authority Saftey Advisory Group (SAG), the NT, or any National Park Authority. And whilst you might feasibly get away with that for a small race the chances of keeping a 'Spine' race dark to the outside world seems rather remote and rather self-defeating from the race and sponsors perspective. |
Dec 2020
9:46am, 23 Dec 2020
2,408 posts
And given most of the Tier 2 sections of the PW are in North Yorkshire I guess the actions of North Yorkshire police with regard to visitors from T3 areas are relevant as well! theguardian.com |
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