Feb 2013
9:14am, 28 Feb 2013
10,287 posts
runner duck
This has probably been covered before but I've done a thread search and can't find anything.
I have a good dose of DOMS in my quads from doing 3 classes in a 15 hour period. I've never been able to decide if it's wise to train on sore legs or not.
Is it most sensible to rest and recover or is it okay to just run anyway? Or would it be better to cross-train?
What would you do?
Feb 2013
9:17am, 28 Feb 2013
7,407 posts
Gentle recovery run of a few miles at a slow pace. Or a walk. Or some yoga. Or all 3.
Feb 2013
9:18am, 28 Feb 2013
371 posts
Probably a nice easy run, but then I am a glutton for punishment should flush the legs out though
Feb 2013
9:28am, 28 Feb 2013
1,674 posts
I've found running is the only thing that makes my DOMS go away. But only while I'm running, they come back once I've stopped.
I noticed I get a bit more DOMSy if I don't have a sauna or get in the hot tub after a class. Well, that's my excuse
Feb 2013
9:41am, 28 Feb 2013
24,249 posts
A gentle run shouldn't make the DOMS any worse, though statistically complete rest is best and "active recovery" is a term used by exercise addicts to legitimise not taking a rest
Feb 2013
9:42am, 28 Feb 2013
1,582 posts
LOL if I waited for my legs to stop being sore I'd never run
The rules for me are: take the first mile easy then asses, if feeling good push up to usual easy run pace, if not carry on as a recovery run.
Just supping some coffee then off out for a 7 miler on very sore legs!
Feb 2013
9:43am, 28 Feb 2013
1,583 posts
Guilty as charged Vrap!
Feb 2013
9:54am, 28 Feb 2013
1,086 posts
wiener dog
I find the same as the others that if I run on sore legs it does help to ease it off ( I think it's mostly the stiff legged feling that goes with movement ) as the run progress the soreness generally eases. I always think that recovery runs just happen natrually without any deliberate attempt to slow my pace as I cannot run at my usual pace with doms anyway - but having said that I don't use a garmin & mostly run to feel anyway unless it's speedwork - which I wouldn't/couldn't do with doms. I read that one of the side effects of doms is loss of power anyway. I also am guilty as charged lol, but I've never had any detrimental effects from it.
Feb 2013
10:17am, 28 Feb 2013
24,250 posts
One of the things I like about mostly not running is not having sore legs when I get up in the morning, and when I was running most days I needed to go out and hammer the fells with my feet if I wanted to get DOMS.
Like Curly, I wouldn't have been able to wait till my legs were painfree before doing another training session.
Feb 2013
10:48am, 28 Feb 2013
10,291 posts
runner duck
great cross-post v'rap and curly!
I think i'll go and run, then. really, i think my legs would prefer to cycle but i'm mindful that i have a half-marathon coming up and if i don't run today i'll have only run 10M this week including tomorrow's intervals.
I'll take it slow and do a 6M run that i can bale out of at 3M, just in case.
I have to say the only way i get doms like these is racing hard or a surfeit of squats and lunges!
fleecy, yoga was one of the classes - but the instructor is a demon and it's more of a power yoga type class!