Apr 2013
5:41pm, 25 Apr 2013
2,392 posts
I'll get on it right away! Thanks!
Apr 2013
5:53pm, 25 Apr 2013
1,764 posts
My tactic is to keep moving around as much as possible both the day and the day after, including a very small run (yes I did run for 20 mins the day after my recent mara :-O)
The good news is, the second time around it shouldnt be as bad because your muscles should be more used to the stimulus. DOMS is good - its adaptation waiting to happen when recovery is finished!
Apr 2013
6:22pm, 25 Apr 2013
2,393 posts
Thanks for the advice Curly. I'll go for a walk later and see if I can face a short run in the morning (although I think you're crazy!). That's good news though, hopefully it'll be better this time round!
Apr 2013
6:22am, 26 Apr 2013
2,394 posts
Well, for anyone who's curious, my legs feel pretty much okay this morning. I haven't gone down any stairs yet, but last time even sitting down was very painful. My quads are a little stiff and tired, but that's it. Hurrah! Was it the cold shower? the stretching? Or just the fact that I've already done that hill recently?