DOMS from hell! - whats your strategy?

1 watcher
Aug 2011
1:22pm, 25 Aug 2011
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Paul Snell
I have a couple of strategies - cold shower onto legs after run when they are hot is very good, also shoulder stand or elevate legs to drain out blood and reduce swelling is good anytime. If legs are cold (winter cycling) then socks in bed, or even tights in bed. Also good is an easy warm down (crazy talk I know!). Very bad = sit at computer straight after training!
Aug 2011
1:37pm, 25 Aug 2011
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wiener dog
Volterol gel- I use gallons of the stuff :-) I guess I am lucky { or maybe unlucky } as I have the beginnings of ra so I get it on prescription. Failing that I deffo agree with the hot bath theory, sat in an ice bath once for about 30 seconds then jumped out like a scalded cat NOTHING is worth immersing your body into iced water imo.
Aug 2011
1:42pm, 25 Aug 2011
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A. Dont run for three days after race if you have DOMS.
B. During these 3 days promise yourself that you will do quad strengthening exercises/hill reps as a regular part of training.
C. Conveniently forget about B
D. Run race and bugger Quads. Go to A and repeat.

Thats what I do :-)
Aug 2011
2:01pm, 25 Aug 2011
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Hehehe, had a similar issue last week, while in The Lakes. Decided to run up and down Robinson... had not been running, or fell running for that matter, since last years relays in October... so major DOMS ensued. My strategy was to driwn the pain in more pain, as I wasn't going to spoil a few sunny days in the Lakes resting. I went mountainbiking the day after the run, more leg muscles used that normally don't get used, to drown the pain with some more pain :)

Then I rode for 7 hours taking in almost all the mountain passes, including Hardknott... So by the time the DOMS had gone I was so knackered I could not feel it anyway and spent two days generally lazying around and resting. Worked a treat :)
Oct 2011
11:16am, 31 Oct 2011
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I have done my first run in a year and tried to run it at my previous pace. I succeeded in this and also in utterly destroying myself. I now have bad DOMS.

But I tend to find that having got bad DOMS I rarely get them again in subsequent weeks as the muscles strengthen. I figure one week of pain is worth it compared to the alternative of building up my running very slowly (which simply frustrates me..)

I realise this is not a 'sensible' strategy...

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Got the worst ever DOMS from hillwalking on sunday - not a big hill but a long steep and brutal desc...

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