Mar 2021
12:12pm, 2 Mar 2021
22,063 posts
Anywhere you can pretend is a track ? Industrial estates are often quite good for that. If dull. My local one is 1120m. I've also found others runners I know doing their speed intervals on a (200m-ish) straight there. Or business parks - they often smell less.
My local park also has a circuit of around 500m which can be handy (if not quite flat). Although these days other people will insist on going out and using it as well, the blighters.
Mar 2021
12:18pm, 2 Mar 2021
13,647 posts
I can second that. I've got a 440m quiet loop road which is where I do all my intervals; consistent, repeatable, GPS wobbles ignored. In theory, just a second hand is required to monitor consistency of pace.
Mar 2021
12:36pm, 2 Mar 2021
13,946 posts
Oooh hadn't thought about industrial estates - that's a brilliant shout Dvorak. Local parks are ram jam at the moment and liberally strewn with small people on scooters and bikes. I did find a flattish stretch of road when I was low HR training for a while, and I've got a 1k loop that's flattish right outside my front door, along with a steep incline at the bottom of my road in the other direction for hill repeats - my neighbours are used to me looking like I've lost the plot by now.
Larkin, I get what you mean about a second hand, I think - presumably I need to look at cadence and target pace to get there?
Mar 2021
9:58pm, 2 Mar 2021
13,652 posts
Or just get around a 400m loop in the right-ish length of time and you've got pace nailed; hadn't really thought about watching it as closely for more "live" updates by watching the second hand, but I suppose you could do that.
Mar 2021
10:07pm, 2 Mar 2021
318 posts
I used to train to HR, then cut down my weekly mileage. I got slow. I now run as I feel comfortable - which seems to happen at a reasonable HR range. I've picked up the mileage lately, and have naturally speeded up, over the last 3 weeks I've picked up running a 1/2 marathon at close to the pace I was previously training for, without really trying. I'm hoping the progress continues, it has however meant the mileage has gone up by 20 miles per week. Long may it continue, but I'm not doing 20 miles more than I am!