Nov 2012
4:46pm, 29 Nov 2012
1,295 posts
Do you enjoy running in the rain? Do you hate it, but still do it? Somewhere in between?
If you do run in the rain, what do you wear? Waterproofs, or just ordinary running kit because it dries quicker? If waterproofs, don't you get hot and sweaty inside them?
I don't enjoy running in the rain and tend not to do it. I realise I need to HTFU, but wonder if buying a bit of kit mightn't ease the pain. Any suggestions welcomed.
Nov 2012
5:03pm, 29 Nov 2012
3,909 posts
It ain't training if it ain't raining!
Nov 2012
5:07pm, 29 Nov 2012
3,910 posts
Srsly, I recently bought one of these:,default,pd.html
in red.
It is a thing of incredible beauty and magnificent utility.
Nov 2012
5:28pm, 29 Nov 2012
1,296 posts
How waterproof is it? It claims only to be water resistant.
Nov 2012
5:31pm, 29 Nov 2012
796 posts
OMM Kamleika. A lovely bit of "screw the weather" kit. Though if it is warm I just get wet
Nov 2012
5:34pm, 29 Nov 2012
975 posts
wiener dog
I despise the rain and the wind, hail, snow, ice - I am a summer person. I have tried to wear various water proof jackets etc and always despise them too as unless it's sub zero anything more than a T-shirt and vest on top makes me sweat like crazy and I end up soaked inside the jacket after about 10 mins, also I feel quite sick and yukky when I get hot. I guess I'm just odd but I am always the person who goes out in a T-shirt and gloves ( my hands freeze ) and swears if I get caught in the rain. If it looks like rain I treadmill it!
Nov 2012
5:39pm, 29 Nov 2012
30 posts
I love running in the rain, and tend to wear my cycling jacket if it's cold. No jacket will stop you getting really hot though unless it's baltic!
Nov 2012
5:41pm, 29 Nov 2012
3,911 posts
Pretty waterproof, although I give it a good run for its money in the 'breathability stakes'. I suspect most of the internal moisture is self-generated.
Nov 2012
5:53pm, 29 Nov 2012
4,446 posts
If it is up to about 13 miles I just wear normal kit. If it is a longer run I have the OMM Kamleika. That kept me dry and warm during the Rutland Water Marathon where it was a cold day and it rained for all except the first mile.
Nov 2012
6:01pm, 29 Nov 2012
5,001 posts
I have a sleeveless jacket for when it's cold as well as wet, it's great cos the sleeveless part means I don't overheat, and it has a zip so if I do get hot I just pull the zip down a bit. If its wet but not cold I just wear a vest. Running in the rain is great!