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Mar 2018
1:59pm, 14 Mar 2018
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Is there a definitive description of how this works anywhere? Based on various web pages I have a general idea, but it seems a bit coy about the actual numbers involved. I don't know if this is deliberate or just because I've not found the right reading material :-)

Recently I paced someone at a parkrun and was about 5 mins slower than usual. My vSSS was about 10, thus I suspect that each point in vSSS represents about 30s in a 5k, and assume it would also be 1min for a 10k etc (at least, around the 20 min parkrun/40 min 10k pace, if that matters). Does this fit with other peoples' experiences? I also guess that the SSS ratings are scored the same way, ie if two 5k races have SSS scores of 1 and 2 then the average of runners who do both would be about 30s slower for the second one (ignoring any changes in their handicaps in the meantime of course).
Mar 2018
7:39pm, 14 Mar 2018
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Surrey Phil
I've never figured out how the system works as there are so many factors taken into account. The weather, the terrain, the winner's time, etc. I've often finished a race thinking that my handicap must have gone up when it has actually gone down.

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Maintained by jda
Is there a definitive description of how this works anywhere? Based on various web pages I have a ge...
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