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An alternative name for a "handicap" race?

4 watchers
May 2016
8:52am, 25 May 2016
1,230 posts
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I play golf and the term (and what it means) is such a part of the game that I couldn't see it changing. It's there to even the playing field and promote fairness along with allowing beginners to feel they can compete even in the early stages of playing the game. I've never even thought that it could offend to be honest.
May 2016
9:00am, 25 May 2016
10,995 posts
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In dinghy racing we use the Plymouth Yardstick which is an index to allow different classes/speeds of boat to race against each other. The races are usually referred to as Handicap (where results are adjusted at the end according to the yardstick) or Pursuit (where the yardstick is used to calculate a send-off time with slowest boats going first).

As others have said, it might be a case of being PC for e sake of it. I particularly like jw's comment about promoting fairness :-)
May 2016
9:11am, 25 May 2016
4,433 posts
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Our club has a handicap series and even with our warped sense of black humour and bad taste, the connection with disability has never been made. I agree with Angus about PC for PCs sake.

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Maintained by fetcheveryone
A Fetchie recently asked me if there was a more PC term these days for a "handicap" race i.e. the ...
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