Reducing single-use/disposable plastic

2 lurkers | 72 watchers
Jul 2018
9:24am, 5 Jul 2018
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Captain Malcolm Reynolds
This thread’s a wonderful mine of useful information. I must read back and get some tips for us to use as we are trying to reduce plastic use.
We’ve made a few changes so far like: shopping at local grocers and the nearest zero waste shop when possible, growing a few fruit & veg our own, making our own soap liquids from soap nuts and washing clothes with them, stopped buying bottled water, instead we keep glass bottles of water in the fridge and drink from Chilly bottles throughout the day, buying toilet paper from who gives a crap, making our own bread - unfortunately we can’t get yeast that’s not in plastic yet, using reusable coffee cups, made our own food wraps - unfortunately the beeswax came in a plastic bag. Actually that’s more than I realised we’d done.
Jul 2018
8:19pm, 5 Jul 2018
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Helegant, we looked at buying a house then found out an incinerator was planned nearby. It's horrific when you look into it - there are already high pollution levels in the local area, which is associated with higher mortality, and this would just make it worse but the council are determined to go ahead with it because it creates jobs.
Jul 2018
9:40pm, 5 Jul 2018
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Creates jobs? Yes, for external contractors, not locals, during construction, and then for a very small number of staff afterwards. "Despite the size of the development – Covanta’s figures given during a presentation to the Community Liasion Panel in July 2016 estimate only 40 – 50 permanent jobs will be created."

This is the 'plume plotter.' Most of the people who live in affected areas are probably unaware that the incinerator is even planned.
Jul 2018
9:47pm, 6 Jul 2018
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Wine Legs
You know what the problem with going plastic free is? We're on holiday and Binks forgot his shower gel. So far, he's washed himself with my lovely shampoo (day 1) & my conditioner (day 2). He's yet to actually use soap...
Jul 2018
9:47pm, 6 Jul 2018
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Wine Legs
You know what the problem with going plastic free is? We're on holiday and Binks forgot his shower gel. So far, he's washed himself with my lovely shampoo (day 1) & my conditioner (day 2). He's yet to actually use soap...
Jul 2018
11:08am, 7 Jul 2018
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run free
@Helegant - do you have a residence association or neighbourhood watch that will circulate the information about the incinerator or a residence facebook page?

@WineLegs...maybe can make him an oatmeal and honey scrub from breakfast to use?
Jul 2018
11:09am, 7 Jul 2018
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run free
If you're wondering what else to give up on plastic free July, here are some more ideas:
Jul 2018
12:19pm, 7 Jul 2018
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Brilliant run-free. Happy to say I do quite a few of these already. I've been stressing about take aways - love your idea for that.

I just wish my dh was a little more signed up to the cause!
Jul 2018
1:07pm, 8 Jul 2018
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Wine Legs
I keep meaning to take a tea towel & cloth to work...must remember when I get back from holiday.
Jul 2018
9:09pm, 8 Jul 2018
3,725 posts
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We have one opening down the road road from us, but given we live beneath Heathrow and in a high traffic area I doubt it makes any difference. Probably a good place to put it to be honest ;)

About This Thread

Maintained by run free
Information about Plastic Packaging:


What products have microbeads?

To help you reduce try one level at a time:

What the EU is doing:

- currently the UK will be following SOME of the EU measures.

Terms used to describe plastic:
1. Biodegradable (also oxi-biodegradable)
2. Bioplastic
3. Compostable
4. Plastic that potentially could be recycled (has numbers)
5. Plastic that cannot be recycled

Some resources:
BBC's info on the numbers on Plastics:

The misconceptions of biodegradable plastics from an academic:

Understanding plastic terms:

Bioplastic developments as seen by British Plastic

Related Threads

  • environment
  • recycling

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