Reducing single-use/disposable plastic

72 watchers
Jul 2019
8:15am, 11 Jul 2019
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As above. None.
Jul 2019
8:43am, 11 Jul 2019
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Red Squirrel
Don't need them at the moment as I'm producing no waste. I think they're strict around here about black bags. I'm gonna wait for them next Monday and ask a few questions about what bags can go in.
Jul 2019
8:49am, 11 Jul 2019
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So, a quick google for biodegradable bin bags found these

Anyone used What about all the other stuff, like plant based washing up scouters (hand made in Egypt). Good, bad or ugly?
Jul 2019
9:41am, 11 Jul 2019
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Wine Legs
be careful. Degradable is NOT the same as biodegradable or compostable! It looks, at a glance, like a degradable plastic.
Jul 2019
10:40am, 11 Jul 2019
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Thanks. This is interesting

Seems compostable is the only way but none can go to landfill! Degradable creates micro plastic. Bio creates methane. Compostable does not break down well in landfill. Grr.
Jul 2019
1:11pm, 11 Jul 2019
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run free
NJ - There are home compostable bags. However the alternatives to plastic will produce more carbon emissions in production + use more water resources. Also the concerns about the ones made of casava etc is that it competes with food security. Also some of the biodegradable plastics have about 5% plastic in them so they also create micro-plastics.

RS - do you compost your cooked food & are you vegetarian or do also compost bones?
Jul 2019
6:19pm, 11 Jul 2019
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Red Squirrel- I'm intrigued. How do you produce no waste? I recycle what I can, and buy plastic free as much as possible, but I still open the bin to put something in at least once a day.
Jul 2019
7:53pm, 11 Jul 2019
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Lizzie W
Jul 2019
9:24pm, 11 Jul 2019
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Red Squirrel
I think about everything I buy when I've got my list together. Sometimes I have to go without or change my list when I'm out. I get an organic fruit & veg bag delivered - all loose or in paper bags. My dad also gives me stuff from the garden. I love eggs - luckily. No meat bones to get rid of. I do like fish and would normally get a month's worth from the fishmonger and put it in the freezer (fishmonger is not near my house) but at the moment there's no freezer in my rental; so no fishbones or shells.

All my local shops sell a lot of loose items. The area's very multi-cultural; covering Africa, south Asia, middle east as well as Europe; shopping-wise. This suits my diet and makes it easy to pop out for items in the evening. It's been years since I've been to a supermarket for a big shop.

As I sit here an look around, at some point I know I'll produce waste such as my debit card when it runs out, yogi teabag sachets (bought for me by a friend - I don't like Yogi Teas) and probably other things ... but big bin remains empty for another week.
Jul 2019
9:44pm, 11 Jul 2019
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Lizzie W
So, do you compost the eggshells, veg waste etc?

About This Thread

Maintained by run free
Information about Plastic Packaging:


What products have microbeads?

To help you reduce try one level at a time:

What the EU is doing:

- currently the UK will be following SOME of the EU measures.

Terms used to describe plastic:
1. Biodegradable (also oxi-biodegradable)
2. Bioplastic
3. Compostable
4. Plastic that potentially could be recycled (has numbers)
5. Plastic that cannot be recycled

Some resources:
BBC's info on the numbers on Plastics:

The misconceptions of biodegradable plastics from an academic:

Understanding plastic terms:

Bioplastic developments as seen by British Plastic

Related Threads

  • environment
  • recycling

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