May 2012
11:09am, 11 May 2012
67,629 posts
yeah right, everyone happy.
May 2012
11:13am, 11 May 2012
41,839 posts
plodding hippo
I didnt know about the race report facility I am way behind on mine anyway
May 2012
11:15am, 11 May 2012
7,439 posts
Keefy Beefy
A good thing would be adding a link to a map of the route so we have the real elevation.
May 2012
2:57pm, 11 May 2012
7,440 posts
Keefy Beefy
I said a good thing would be adding a link to a map of the route so we have the real elevation.
May 2012
3:10pm, 11 May 2012
16,594 posts
My race report is in my log, so the only training that is visible is races. Would be good if the race page and training could update at the same time.
May 2012
3:28pm, 11 May 2012
1,981 posts
I like the *cowers* RW race report thingy, to get a good review of a race which is linked to the race finder, but like to blog about how much I cried, what hurts or how I ran into a tree, which most people don't care about.
May 2012
3:29pm, 11 May 2012
3,218 posts
yes please - that would be good. Both updating together.
And also what the Good Lord said about race reports as blogs but mebbe with a couple of ratings that could be collated.
May 2012
4:38pm, 11 May 2012
1,151 posts
Can I link it to races that aren't in my race portfolio? If I marshal the WHW I can blog about it (probably at as much length as Santa ) but I don't want it adding to my race portfolio; people would get entirely the wrong idea of me! And I don't want it to look like I have loads of DNF/DNS either, please?
May 2012
4:40pm, 11 May 2012
1,220 posts
I didn't realise you could review races on here, I gave up when I got banned from RW.
Seems I have a lot to catch up on!
May 2012
5:17pm, 11 May 2012
3,874 posts
I tend to stick a quick 'well / badly organised' and usually my time etc in the race report bit in my race portfolio but then do the lengthy 'race report blog' thing in a blog. They tend not to 'rate' a race, more rate *my* race (does that make *any* sense at all??!!!)