Pictures in Routes

17 watchers
May 2014
9:29am, 20 May 2014
1,071 posts
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Yeah, that worked.
May 2014
9:29am, 20 May 2014
14,320 posts
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Dvorak - for legal reasons, all pictures should be taken whilst running at 5k pace or better ;-) Would you also mind trying your text again? Hopefully the change I've just put in place will let it through.
May 2014
1:10pm, 20 May 2014
8,715 posts
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Worked ok now :-). Just about to leave for Kos, I may generate some route pics run
May 2014
1:55pm, 27 May 2014
1,110 posts
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How are you doing for photos? Enough to keep up the new one per day for a while?
May 2014
1:57pm, 27 May 2014
14,360 posts
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I wouldn't say no to some more, but I'm building up a nice collection to choose from :-)
Jul 2014
8:41am, 14 Jul 2014
2,906 posts
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I like the lights shining from people's faces in today's photo from Foxton Locks
Jul 2014
9:02am, 14 Jul 2014
14,670 posts
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Yeah, it's a bit alien :-)
Aug 2015
3:44pm, 5 Aug 2015
949 posts
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Can anyone suggest why when I upload my picture it's fine, but when I press save I just get a black rectangle?

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About This Thread

Maintained by fetcheveryone
Hiya Fetchies

If you like sharing routes, or if you like taking pictures whilst you're out and about, or possibly both, then give this a try...

You can now add a nice pic to each of your routes e.g. to show other runners just exactly how lovely your route is (or conversely, just what you have to put up with). If you make the route public, there's a handy URL for sharing, or a button that will do a Tweet for you. There's also a little voting panel, so you can vote up the ones you like the best (so we can hopefully generate a nice list of the most-loved routes).

I know that there are plenty more improvements to be made to the routes tool (particularly if you need to edit an existing route), and I'm working through some of those. I also intend to give you the opportunity to record times against each others routes, so you can do league tables if that's the sort of thing that floats your boat

More to come then, but I thought you might like to try the pictures.


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