May 2007
8:59pm, 4 May 2007
0 posts
Please can I come in?
cos I didn't do it RUNNING
there's logic for you
i seem to have written a pi$$ed blog without a drop passing my lips
Please tell me "Is this what happens when you've been told:
(I'm HALF-WAY already YAY!!)
May 2007
9:02pm, 4 May 2007
0 posts
Pashka you go stark raving mad, you take up all sorts of unhealthy habits that involve mainly your mouth, You start to look through the training league and plot unkind and nasty events for the 50 people who have leapfrogged you in the last 3 days. You start searching the web looking for either a day long quick fix or evidence that you can run through your injury and you are a wuss if you dont
and then you develope an unhealthy obsession with Gold Lame
May 2007
9:05pm, 4 May 2007
0 posts
Bloody stupid broken IT band
Was out for 3 months, came back, felt fine, hurts again, marathon training starts next week. Bloody stupid bloody broken bloody IT band
May 2007
9:05pm, 4 May 2007
0 posts
oooooooh I could open something ... what dya fancy
I think my body thinks it's pregnant cos the Guinness is tasting WEIRD
is that possible?
body memory says "she only goes around this slowly when there's a big bump"
May 2007
9:07pm, 4 May 2007
0 posts
ooer it wuznt me guv
Dont worry chicken it is the Whiskey talking
You are not wearing Gold sheen are you?
May 2007
9:08pm, 4 May 2007
0 posts
OM Chicken is right you dont need that silly old band
May 2007
9:11pm, 4 May 2007
0 posts
Can I join the misery? My shins are fcuked and I'm walking like I've run a marathon so tonight I'm having lots of wine as I know I can't train tomorrow
May 2007
9:13pm, 4 May 2007
0 posts
Sure Queenie come on in crab a cushion take a long draft from your wine - fancy a Marlboro?
did anyone bring the Pron
May 2007
9:15pm, 4 May 2007
0 posts
Cheers cable Your reference to 'crab' is fairly accurate as I'm walking a bit like one at the moment haha. No fag for me I'll have more wine instead. *slips the smutty dvd on*
May 2007
9:20pm, 4 May 2007
0 posts
Piss off Hendo you faker. Your cyst isn't as big as mine and it doesn't stop you running. What trauma to the wrist tendons have you sufferered for your cyst to appear I wonder? *I* have a proper damaged tendon in my foot AND a ganglion cyst cos I sprained it.
And it hurts...