Apr 2020
11:42pm, 30 Apr 2020
17,846 posts
Angus Clydesdale
Jesus wept. What is it with the fascination with shitting on a stick...…?
I wouldn't mind, but if past experience is any benchmark, it's not worth looking at the next 5 pages at least.
Shoot me. Shoot me now.
Apr 2020
11:45pm, 30 Apr 2020
11,279 posts
🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 Cheer up Angus!
Apr 2020
11:47pm, 30 Apr 2020
17,847 posts
Angus Clydesdale
I'm sorry to sound grumpy but it's so repetitive.
Every couple of weeks or so someone new checks in and announces their Big Birthday after which there's a couple of pages of birthday wishes and congratulations after which someone starts the shit stick conversation and we go round and round the fucking roses for a load of pages. Then nothing for a while. Then someone new checks in and announces their Big Birthday...….etc etc
It's like the worst ever advert for living in a care home. Did you all forget we'd already had these conversations?
May 2020
6:34am, 1 May 2020
34,725 posts
May 2020
6:35am, 1 May 2020
34,726 posts
On a stick!
May 2020
6:37am, 1 May 2020
34,727 posts
Just for Angus. Happy birthday Ed. Welcome to pre-senility.
Right, I'll posit a different topic - now are/were many grand parents at 50?
HappyG - 1 grandson (st 49 actually) G
May 2020
6:38am, 1 May 2020
34,728 posts
Can't even type!
How many are / were grandparents at 50?
HappyG - 1 grandson (st 49 actually) :-) G
May 2020
6:41am, 1 May 2020
36,172 posts
Not yet G, no. Still only one generation that I'm responsible for.
May 2020
6:42am, 1 May 2020
48,076 posts
No! And I don’t want to be for many a year yet. 60 at least!
May 2020
6:44am, 1 May 2020
119,600 posts
So. Shit sticks then.