Feb 2020
1:05pm, 17 Feb 2020
3,365 posts
K5 Gus
Ahh, thanks Fetch, that makes sense now
Feb 2020
2:19pm, 17 Feb 2020
18,987 posts
The difference between your time appearing on the leaderboard and your name appearing.
I had assumed that the former would not occur without the latter (ie no anonymous times).
Feb 2020
3:19pm, 17 Feb 2020
34,189 posts
Will there be a "leaderboard" of
Most visited Fastest time Hilliest
etc. ?
And a Your My Fetch Mile(s) because at the moment, you have to use the map to find your own! G
Feb 2020
3:23pm, 17 Feb 2020
23,372 posts
Several of these already in my To Do list in the sidebar - and yes, why not
Feb 2020
3:24pm, 17 Feb 2020
34,193 posts
Oh yeah, 9) and sort of reverse of 1/3 of 10) Proof if it were needed that some users NEVER read the side bar. D'oh! G
Feb 2020
6:19pm, 17 Feb 2020
32,471 posts
do we need to have times/leader board positions of anonymous visitors as they are not really playing if they are being anonymous?
Feb 2020
6:20pm, 17 Feb 2020
15,109 posts
I agree with Doc, if you're going to be anonymous, should you be on the leaderboard at all?
Feb 2020
1:44pm, 18 Feb 2020
34,211 posts
"You have beaten your time at a Fetch mile." Yes, but what was my previous time?! Possible enhancement? All times at that mile? G
Feb 2020
1:52pm, 18 Feb 2020
15,118 posts
I just got a "you have beaten your time at a Fetch mile" - but the time it's given me is not likely and is less slow than the one-mile benchmark for that run...
Feb 2020
2:36pm, 18 Feb 2020
23,377 posts
@RH - Bear in mind that there's a 40 metre hit radius around each point - so it could feasibly have produced (1609.344 - 40 - 40) metres.