Jan 2017
4:39pm, 25 Jan 2017
12,271 posts
Best of with HMRC Dio. I still shudder at the memory of the first time I had to do my own return. For weeks I was getting unsigned undated letters, never two from the same address, explaining nothing.
It actually seems to be better doing it online. Also I've now got used to it.
Jan 2017
4:43pm, 25 Jan 2017
20,341 posts
Last year it was straight forward, took 5 minutes. The year before that I was late submitting but managed to get my penalty and interest refunded. This year they have added an additional security measure upon logging in beyond which unable am I to get. We go again tomorrow.
Jan 2017
4:43pm, 25 Jan 2017
12,272 posts
In a perverse way I like the "takes forever" aspect of extracting seeds from a whole pomegranate. Very fiddly, very sticky, but satisfying. Eating them out of a tub wouldn't be at all the same.
Jan 2017
4:45pm, 25 Jan 2017
12,273 posts
(You don't really want to know about my varifocals do you Dio? Or anyone else?)
Jan 2017
4:46pm, 25 Jan 2017
20,343 posts
Yes, all information gratefully received
Jan 2017
4:58pm, 25 Jan 2017
12,275 posts
Glasses for short-sight since age about 8.
Switched to contacts in my 20s.
Couldn't wear contacts during 1st pregnancy (dries the tear ducts, apparently); gave up, never got back to them.
Varifocals since early 50s.
Reading from computer screen became uncomfortable at some point.
Now have varifocals for everyday; single-focus glasses to cope with computer screen; and take glasses off altogether for reading a book, phone screen, sewing, and extracting splinter from finger. I focus perfectly on anything 6" from my nose.
Jan 2017
4:59pm, 25 Jan 2017
12,276 posts
(Wishing you hadn't asked?)
Jan 2017
5:00pm, 25 Jan 2017
20,345 posts
Thank you (I thought you were going to have some kind of horror-story or just couldn't get on with them tale to tell)
Jan 2017
5:02pm, 25 Jan 2017
17,253 posts
*waits for Columba's advice*
Entered the Gt South Run (I like a long time to prepare.) Tried to book the same holiday flats we've booked for the GSR weekend for the last four years, but the lettings company in Seaview IoW, about 100m away from the flats concerned, has been taken over by a holiday lettings company based in Cornwall. The Cornish computer system has a problem with booking lets shorter than 7 nights for one of the flats. In years past the IoW based people just said 'Oh that's OK we can do that booking manually.' Not the Cornish folk though as they don't know the owners
Jan 2017
5:03pm, 25 Jan 2017
12,278 posts
No horror stories except when it comes to paying for them. They got broken once in a car accident, but the car insurance paid.