May 2016
10:41am, 6 May 2016
23,196 posts
Hello all - having a subdued day - I did a private blog (can't shut out the blogadaw in me) which I'll make public later. Yesterday was the tenth anniversary of my Dad's death and I'm having a bit of an introspective time. Didn't want to rain on Bint's special day.
May 2016
10:44am, 6 May 2016
29,560 posts
Oh McG, don't worry about me! (((McG)))
May 2016
10:46am, 6 May 2016
23,197 posts
Don't worry - back to the usual nonsense tomorrow. I have my blog pre-written in my head.
May 2016
10:46am, 6 May 2016
29,562 posts
May 2016
10:47am, 6 May 2016
14,053 posts
Ah, sorry for pestering you (((manghugs)))
May 2016
10:54am, 6 May 2016
4,612 posts
You know it's only because we care xx
May 2016
10:55am, 6 May 2016
23,198 posts
I know
May 2016
10:56am, 6 May 2016
23,155 posts
We missed you McGoo xx I might have another latte. I have some work with me to do while I am waiting, but I'm not doing it
May 2016
11:31am, 6 May 2016
23,547 posts
Awake but feel hungover. But no party last night i was working
I have tea
Happy McG is here. Hope you're ok
Happy McG has been found
May 2016
11:39am, 6 May 2016
11,482 posts
*manhug McG*