Feb 2016
6:46am, 2 Feb 2016
12,716 posts
I don't have a middle name, my children all have one. If I had one it would be Peter, as I am the eldest some of Peter, eldest son of Peter, or Patrick, as I was born on St Patrick's Day.
Curiously, my eldest daughter's middle name is Peter. No it isn't, it's Elizabeth and my Son's first name is Joseph. These names happen to be the names of my maternal grandparents although I didn't know this (or had forgotten) when we named them.
Feb 2016
6:48am, 2 Feb 2016
21,293 posts
At a bus stop
Feb 2016
6:48am, 2 Feb 2016
12,718 posts
Is that your middle name?
Feb 2016
6:51am, 2 Feb 2016
21,296 posts
Yes I just posted on the unlockable badge thread that I was waiting for a bus. That should probably go on the senior moments thread
Feb 2016
6:52am, 2 Feb 2016
21,297 posts
I am now on a bus. A fox walked by me as calm as you like while I stood at the stop
Feb 2016
6:58am, 2 Feb 2016
27,540 posts
On a bus Urban foxes are so Joe Cool about everything
I had one run alongside me like a dog on one run home
Feb 2016
7:05am, 2 Feb 2016
12,719 posts
Combined with your real name, "At a Bus Stop" has a real poetry.
Feb 2016
7:08am, 2 Feb 2016
27,551 posts
This bus smells of egg The woman next to me has opened the window She is also annoyed by the loud, tinny drum and bass seeping through the headphones of someone towards the back of the bus. She's heaving the most amazing sighs and keeps turning round to glare
It's not working
Feb 2016
7:11am, 2 Feb 2016
12,627 posts
There was a fox at the tram station the other day. It was on the platform looking down the line just like everyone else. I think it might have been going to work.
Feb 2016
7:16am, 2 Feb 2016
27,553 posts
Someone's got to feed the vixen and cubs
Woman next to me has got so irritated with the headphone seepage that she's moved downstairs
Either that or I smell bad