May 2020
8:15am, 21 May 2020
48,894 posts
Her neighbours?
May 2020
8:21am, 21 May 2020
8,475 posts
I can hear someone drilling. And a horse. I can’t see over the fence so I’m not sure if the horse is using the drill. I also hope it’s not MY horse who’s decided to come home for a visit.
May 2020
8:22am, 21 May 2020
44,348 posts
Beautiful morning, on the beach, sound of skylarks, Arctic terns diving in the flat sea, remnants of a late night party on the sand.
May 2020
8:40am, 21 May 2020
31,124 posts
My sound track is currently birds tweeting and pigeons cooing. It's quite nice. Once the neighbours are up and about it will be Angie next door at Bisto and Bruno, someone moving a wheelie bin (literally every day I hear someone relocating a wheelie bin), D's son being obnoxious and D eventually losing the rag and shouting at him.
May 2020
8:42am, 21 May 2020
45,385 posts
Printer is taking firmware updates
May 2020
8:44am, 21 May 2020
17,772 posts
Tweeting birds here and the distant sound of binmen Mundane chores done: pots watered, dishwasher on, cats fed, washing out, coffee made. Something is giving me hay fever In less mundane news I made Mrs Jigs Mexican Lasagne last night and it was et with enthusiasm by mrS and relief it wasn’t worse by c9. *cheers*
May 2020
8:44am, 21 May 2020
31,125 posts
*Angie shouting at Bisto and Bruno (dogs)
May 2020
8:55am, 21 May 2020
48,897 posts
Coffee and hot cross bun.
May 2020
9:09am, 21 May 2020
11,270 posts
May 2020
9:32am, 21 May 2020
42,006 posts
Derby Tup