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Morning Light: The Fetchland Gardening Wire

78 watchers
May 2020
4:47pm, 11 May 2020
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Prepared troughs for strawberry plants.
May 2020
6:03pm, 11 May 2020
19,692 posts
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:-) Columba. I have a couple of troughs of them, and six sections of a planter (kind of fake mini raised bed). The trough ones are mainly runners, but which kinds ... they got kind of mixed up. Hopefully several are honeoye, as they were they tastiest. The original honeoye plant has just sprung into flower. Last week, six plants in the planter burst into bloom :-) I suspect however they are the "perpetual" variety, which were reasonably productive, but didn't taste of much.

This afternoon, I was mainly playing in the dirt is transplanting marigold seedlings. I could have saved time by planting in the bigger trays in the first place, I suppose. Still, it was warm in the greenhouse :-) Then I planted different marigold seeds in the now empty tray.
May 2020
9:02pm, 11 May 2020
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I've had Honeoye before now; they are indeed delicious. The ones I'm preparing the troughs for are 12 new little plants, 4 different varieties, 3 of each.
May 2020
9:19pm, 11 May 2020
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Angus Clydesdale
I think you need to take that name over here:


May 2020
6:18pm, 12 May 2020
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Which name, Honeoye? I don't think I've ever spoken it, nor heard it spoken.

Strawberries planted. Turned out to be 4 each of 3 varieties, not 3 each of 4. Delizz, Toscana and Frisan.

Meanwhile the little Mediterranean bean plants have all perished, - must have been a frost the night before last. I still have seeds so may try again.
May 2020
9:53pm, 12 May 2020
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After two frosty nights things aren't looking too good! almost everything has been frost bitten, including roses, all of my supposedly hardy kiwis and so forth. I have kept everything covered, apart from the cold frame, which is easy to cover and uncover. Dahlias in there are ok, they tookj a hot last week but don't seem to be getting worse. No idea about my magbnolias and walnut tree. Another frost tonight and tomorrow night we are getting the worst one yet: it has been -2/-3 when +2/3 was forecast. Tomorrow it says -2 whihc usually means -6... we tend to be about 4 degrees colder than the ap from the local weather station says. I am worried about my fruit but at least we no longer have that ice cold wind! I have started new beans but didn't have any more runners, so the 12 that died were it :( a rare local heirloom variety called Brecon Black. I was going to save seed :(
May 2020
10:14pm, 12 May 2020
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Fragile Do Not Bend
Oh dear Hanneke :( Down here in the southeast has been a lot better, I’ve not noticed any frost damage. My tender veg is staying indoors for a few nights just in case though.
May 2020
10:48pm, 12 May 2020
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That's terrible Hanneke - I have runner bean seeds I could post to you if that would be any use - nothing heirloom though, utterly ordinary.

My little dahlia shoots were thankfully unharmed. Locally, I've managed to find people to take my excess spinach seedlings - after bad germination I tried a different approach and ended up with 100, which is more spinach than even I can eat. Last year a community garden took some of my excess stuff but that's not an option right now.
May 2020
8:09am, 13 May 2020
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That's a real shame Hanneke. The only runner bean seeds I've got left are Hestia but if you want them, I'll post.

Cold this morning, but I don't think we had a frost. Hope it warms up soon as my French beans are much too big for the windowsill and finding somewhere to harden them during the day is difficult because they keep blowing over.
Need to work out where and how to build a decent cold frame.
May 2020
10:36am, 13 May 2020
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Cold frames are a must! Especially as I feel the climate is getting more and more erratic! I wished I had kept my beans in there, in stead of enthusiastically planting them! Thanks for the offer of broad beans. I am going to see if I can source some more from the local seed saving guy I got them from in January, if not, I will let you know :)

It is really really cold out right now and I am very reluctant to go out and work. Winter gear on, double gloves it will be. No sun and we are definitely NOT in the double digits!

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