Apr 2020
6:51pm, 20 Apr 2020
5,758 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
Two gardening happies today, my seed potatoes arrived, and I found a local person selling off really well rotted horse manure.
Apr 2020
7:00pm, 20 Apr 2020
15,699 posts
good news Frag
I have moved a Dalek's worth of stored topsoil into new raised beds and killed my poor back in the process. And there's not enough
I will have to be brave and visit thebig farm shop tomorrow to see if I can buy topsoil and/or compost. I've not been shopping for a week or so.
Parsnips planted out in their loo rolls - filled the tops in with crushed eggshells hopefully to keep the slugs away. Only planted 8, I'm the only one here that eats them so that should be enough to keep me going for a while...
Apr 2020
8:16pm, 20 Apr 2020
19,543 posts
Sitting on the front stoop with a glass of wine looking out on a lawn which probably hasn't been quite as thoroughly edged in the last twenty years. Quite neatly mown, and I raked some moss as well. Not too much, I'll spin that out, as I've found moss-raking to be an activity where I have considerable difficulty moving the next day if I'm overenthusiastic
Might have to go in, as it's down to 16° now the sun has dipped. 28° an hour ago. Although that's not bad for mid-April. Maybe take a pic tomorrow, when the sun's on it. Not checked the forecast, I'm just expecting it. Sun and blue skies. Actually, for someone in Scotland, that's quite disconcerting. Earlier today, I though the sky was like in the Med. A Greek island perhaps. I'd like to see the sea again someday.
Apr 2020
10:26pm, 20 Apr 2020
19,638 posts
Planted out another 4 broad bean plantlets and started clearing an area which has nothing-in-particular in it.
Apr 2020
8:55am, 21 Apr 2020
5,759 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
Omen of my water butts is nearly empty. I was most surprised when the water started comping out more slowly, be never emptied one this early in the year.
Apr 2020
10:06am, 21 Apr 2020
15,704 posts
It was the same last year too - Easter was really warm and dry, but then - I think it gor cold and wet during May ? Alsohave some nearly empty water butts, though I have been filling one up with water from the old pond (the old one was bigger than the new one I've dug) and I've also watering the spuds with pond water.
The water butt I want to empty to move from one side of the front of the house to the other is still full though -
Apr 2020
10:19am, 21 Apr 2020
15,705 posts
Today's happy is the milkman's website telling me compost and soil is back in stock and hopefully I shall get some delivered tomorrow
Apr 2020
10:54am, 21 Apr 2020
198 posts
Getting worried I started my tomatoes too late, there are currently only 2 with teeny sprouts just appearing above the soil, am I too late or do I have plenty of time still? Last year I started them indoors but this year I started them in the mini greenhouse which I suspect has slowed things down :-/
Apr 2020
10:55am, 21 Apr 2020
199 posts
Great news @FragileDoNotBend
Apr 2020
11:03am, 21 Apr 2020
19,551 posts
I hope you are not too late MD, I just have the first seedlings showing and I planted more tomato seeds on Sunday!
Some are salvage seeds from a heritage variety, Russian Black, from a plant bought in the perhaps unlikely place of Morrison's last year. The few fruits were interesting, but went a bit wonky on the vine. The last couple were left to fall off onto the greenhouse floor - I scooped one up, set it aside, and now it has dried up I scraped off some seeds and we'll see what, if anything, happens.