Aug 2015
7:51am, 9 Aug 2015
1,653 posts
RH, I do not know how the TomTom stride counter works but assume it is an inertial devise that I sensitive to the change in direction of movement of the wrist at the end of each arm swing. I think the reliability will probably depend on the briskness of your arm-swing.
The Polar foot –pod also uses an internal devise, and it is reliable in detecting cadence when I am on the elliptical (which provides a direct read of my cadence confirming the Polar, yet the change of direction of foot movement on the elliptical is probably less abrupt than that of the arm during running.
SPR I do not think the issue of landing dorsiflexed is a major issue. However I think there is at least a small advantage in being dorsiflexed mid-stance. The required eccentric stretch of the calf is generated by the momentum of the body pulling the leg forwards. This is probably a less harmful way to provide eccentric stretch than the capture of impact energy. I suspect that the major capture of impact energy occurs in quads and hams. This produces useful increase in efficiency, but at the cost of DOMS unless your legs are accustomed to the stress
Aug 2015
10:03am, 9 Aug 2015
20,693 posts
Agree Canute about dorsiflexion at mid-stance, and agree that shoe drop will affect this.
Aug 2015
12:53pm, 9 Aug 2015
5,372 posts
* side conversation again* - ah wearing it on the elliptical is a good idea - thanks
Aug 2015
1:24pm, 9 Aug 2015
1,657 posts
RH, maybe to demonstrate reliability in measuring running cadence it would be best to use the same arm action on the elliptical as when running. I usually do this at low power output (up to 100 watts), though if you do not habitually do this, you need to develop your balance carefully.
Aug 2015
1:27pm, 9 Aug 2015
5,373 posts
ah yes, good point, thanks.
Aug 2015
3:20pm, 13 Aug 2015
31,065 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
I like the Aline-Relax and run (repeat) method
When I got caught up in POSE a few years ago it become all very pressured to do the 'right' thing but I can see some benefit in it
Aug 2015
4:47pm, 13 Aug 2015
11,763 posts
I just googled "aline-relax and run method" and got "how to snort a line (of cocaine)"
Aug 2015
11:03am, 14 Aug 2015
1,670 posts
AR I am not sure how much the results of a web search reflect you own past browsing, but when I tried Aline relax and run I got sites wanting to sell me wrinkle remover
HOD I am intrigued as to what the Aline-Relax and run method involves. I presume the main purpose is not simply removing wrinkles.
I think that the best thing about Pose was the discouragement of pushing too hard. While there is no doubt that a powerful push is required for running fast, for many of us, trying to push too hard does not help
Aug 2015
1:23pm, 14 Aug 2015
5,409 posts
[back again to report that the cadence sensor seems to be reading very slightly high, but not much. However I know that when I am running "hard" my left wrist does tend to do a bit of a flicky thing, so think will take the numbers with a pinch of salt for anything other than easy runs]
when I googled aline relax I got a load of stuff about aligning the spine and relaxing - my browser obviously expects me not to be able to spell
Aug 2015
2:56pm, 14 Aug 2015
11,783 posts
I've never googled anything about drug-taking - it must be this site having a bad influence!