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Minimalist Footwear Thread

103 watchers
May 2019
1:10pm, 25 May 2019
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I'm going to try the Kayenta as well but think the Escalante will be good for longer runs and is fairly fast for its weight.
May 2019
2:58pm, 25 May 2019
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Stats for Escalante 1.5 are slightly out (I quoted those for the original) it's 24mm, of which 6mm is from the insole. Interestingly the Kayenta is 23mm with 5mm of that from the insole, so they're the same stack without the insole, but the Kayenta is supposed to be quite a bit lighter.
May 2019
11:22pm, 25 May 2019
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So wait for the kayenta, or buy vanish-r at £90? Is the solstice available in the uk?
May 2019
11:59pm, 25 May 2019
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Not seen the Solstice available in the UK, the Kayenta looks similar TBH. The Kayenta is available on Running Warehouse EU. Feel like the Vanish-R and the Kayenta are different though (14mm vs 23mm stack).
May 2019
10:37am, 26 May 2019
2,391 posts
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Runner Inn has kayentas for less, I think they are in Spain, but no idea what they are like to deal with.

I'm looking for something with a wide forefoot and a flat sole, and preferably an unstructured upper. I had some old Inov8 road shoes that have now fallen apart, and I am back in my ancient new balance fresh foams, that I don't like much. I haven't been running much on the road recently, so I have lots of trail shoes and no road shoes. I would consider an f-lite if I could work out which one.
May 2019
8:34pm, 26 May 2019
27,935 posts
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I have a pair of New Balance RC130 Size 13.5, brand new. Cost of post to anyone interested.
May 2019
9:48pm, 29 May 2019
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Have the Kayenta now. Not done a proper run in them yet but the flex grooves work well to ensure the shoe is flexible (and also the lack of protective rubber). It is 50g lighter than the Escalante for half a size bigger. The upper fits very well. Can't imagine anyone struggling with the foot moving about in the shoe

The lack of protective rubber might mean they don't last long though will have to see. I did get 1000+ out of the Puma Faas 100R so might be get decent out of this.

I've read and seen that the Escalante 2.0 will have more decoupling on the outsole protective rubber which should make it more flexible. Also the upper looks more structured.

May 2019
4:31pm, 30 May 2019
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Thanks for the info. I'm going to wait till the price comes down a bit.
Jun 2019
8:38am, 3 Jun 2019
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Kayenta - Did 1/1 (min on/ off) fartlek on Thursday then 10 x 10 secs hill sprints. Today I did 7.2 miles progressive and I can confirm they are very good for fast running (actually went faster than planned early as they felt so good). Firmer than the Escalante but more flexible and of course lighter. Laces have more friction as well so less likely to come loose I think the upper works better for me as well. Will see how they feel on some easy runs this week and maybe my weekend long run if it feels good on easy runs.

I've changed the lacing on my Escalante to the Altra lacing. altrafootwearsa.com

Not run with it in that configuration yet but walking around it seems to allow the forefoot to flex easier. I've found the Escalante decent for long runs but have felt my feet and ankles have been working harder than I expect in them I think is due to the way they flex and the lacing may help.
Jun 2019
5:47pm, 12 Jun 2019
20,580 posts
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Lizzie W
And then the NHS podiatrist said "what's zero drop?"

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Maintained by Dipper
A place where all efficient schools of running can come together and discussing minimalist footwear.
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