Apr 2010
7:18pm, 18 Apr 2010
7,936 posts
Tourettes hill?? Thats all the f**kers isn't it!!
Done the Picnic twice now and I ain't going back!!
Apr 2010
7:22pm, 18 Apr 2010
982 posts
Jun 2010
9:09pm, 15 Jun 2010
2,454 posts
My husband got me a place for this race as a 'birthday present' (!) - it's my birthday the day before - but he's since had to drop out because of injury so I'm torn as to whether to take part or not. Given that if he had not signed me up without asking I certainly would not have entered myself!!
Can anyone sell this race to me and tell me why I really should make the effort on Saturday to run up and down all those bliddy hills....
And does anyone know what the cut-off time is? I thought there was one but now can't see it on the website...
Jun 2010
9:15pm, 15 Jun 2010
1,150 posts
I loved this race last year, but have had to sell my place for this year due to injury (gutted!) It is an utterly vile, nasty, and vicious race which took me an hour longer than a normal half marathon!! YOU'LL LOVE IT!! There is a wonderful atmosphere, and everyone is really friendly and loads of grub afterwords - make sure your husband drives you there and back!!
I don't remember any cut off time (I took over 3 hours and there were still people behind me!)
Just enjoy it and accept the fact that you WILL be doing some walking!! Be careful on the steps!!
Jun 2010
9:16pm, 15 Jun 2010
17,325 posts
Wonderful race. Injury and commitments keep me away this year.
Jun 2010
9:57pm, 15 Jun 2010
2,101 posts
Joe Hawk
Because it's a challenge ,cos its slightly stupid yet great fun
And cos we'll give you stick for being a wimp if ya don't
Jun 2010
7:59am, 16 Jun 2010
2,455 posts
Lol...thanks guys- I'm 99% decided I will do the race. My husband is going to come and laugh at me... Hope I won't regret it!
Jun 2010
4:50pm, 16 Jun 2010
1,151 posts
He has no right to laugh It's a bloody hard race!!
Jun 2010
4:58pm, 16 Jun 2010
11,417 posts
He can laugh as long as you're laughing too, Kitty. It's not a race, it's a complete piss-take.
I loved it when I did it
(Decided to do something that was closer to home this year.)
Jun 2010
5:16pm, 16 Jun 2010
3,711 posts
Just be prepared to not be able to walk for about 4 days afterwards Kitty:-) I loved this last year, but this year will be cheering hubby on from the sidelines (doing all those steps when you can't really see your feet very well is a bit of a non-starter )
see you on Saturday! (I'll be the one sporting the big bump)