Feb 2012
9:13pm, 17 Feb 2012
13,751 posts
FDA approved for what? And as what? The FDA 's concern with foodstuffs is that they are safe. Showing it's safe doesn't mean it has any sport benefit at all.
And you have contradicted yourself, LWS. You said earlier it had fruit sugars and then later it had no sugar. Fruit sugars are sugars!
I'm sorry if you feel you have been given a rough ride here, but if you had been honest from the start about your vested interest, we might have been a little more forgiving. If you had even been honest the second or third time you were asked.
And lastly, you still haven't made any claims about the drink. What do you actually claim it does? Certain other sports drinks invest in sports research and can back up their claims of increased performance and recovery because it has been measured. Without that, you are selling fruit juice.
Feb 2012
9:17pm, 17 Feb 2012
20,297 posts
Ah but Stumpy, it's fruit juice from a superberry, so that' obviously better than normal berries, right? It's right there in the name, isn't it? i mean, it wouldn't be called a "super" berry if it wasn't.....well, super.
And it has binding properties, which obviously helps.
And more antioxidants than any other recovery sports drink, which obviously is going to.................anti any oxidation that might otherwise have.........oxidised.
It's obvious.
And he's tried it and says it works, so surely that's enough.
Feb 2012
9:26pm, 17 Feb 2012
13,138 posts
Daniel Craig is organic.
I'm just saying.
Feb 2012
10:01pm, 17 Feb 2012
11,034 posts
I've lost over 50lb and brought my Marathon PB down by 90 minutes.
I sometimes have a chicken burger and a pint after a race.
Therefore the two are linked.
JD Wetherspoon provide the best recovery food around. Next time I see one of you I'll buy you a recovery pint!
Feb 2012
10:02pm, 17 Feb 2012
642 posts
I've sat here and listened to your pitch but i won't be investing....I'm out.
Feb 2012
10:03pm, 17 Feb 2012
11,035 posts
Only one, for only one of you, mind. Only the most sceptical, and only if you dump your personal details into my facebook app.
Feb 2012
10:14pm, 17 Feb 2012
20,298 posts
Are you at Brighton, DeeGee, because I think I can claim "Most Skeptical Fetchie".;-)
Feb 2012
10:15pm, 17 Feb 2012
13,139 posts
I'd test Daniel. For free. Repeatedly.
Feb 2012
10:21pm, 17 Feb 2012
20,299 posts
You'd test him to destruction, Pesto.
Feb 2012
10:21pm, 17 Feb 2012
11,037 posts
Not Brighton, Nellers, but if you can make it to Hull...